Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission
Our mission is to protect Kentucky's natural heritage by (1) identifying, acquiring and managing natural areas that represent the best known occurrences of rare native species, natural communities and significant natural features in a statewide nature preserve system; (2) working with others to protect biological diversity; and (3) educating Kentuckians as to the value and purpose of nature preserves and biodiversity conservation.
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Landscape Partnership Online Learning Network
Self-paced virtual tutorials and classes available for practitioners and producers/landowners.
The Learning Network is designed to help conservation partners, managers, and landowners learn how to use and adapt resources and tools and plan on-the-ground conservation.
Once courses are completed, users can work with Landscape Partnership staff directly to discuss how to incorporate these products in their own work.
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Training Resources
Link to 2024 Paper on Bobwhite Response to Pine Savanna Management
A few bobwhite related papers that have been published in the past few months. July 2024
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General Resources and Publications
Louisiana Priority Area Shapefiles
Northern Bobwhite Priority Areas, Northern Bobwhite Grasslands and Savannas Partnership 2022-2026
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Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles
Maintaining Quail and Grassland Bird Habitat in the Agricultural Landscape
Northern bobwhite quail and many other grassland bird species have experienced significant population declines over the last several decades. Loss of native grassland habitat is one of the primary causes of these declines. The CP33 – Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds is a Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) practice that provides nesting and brooding habitat for quail and other grassland birds on less productive cropland field margins. The CP33 buffer practice can help maintain important native grassland habitat within an agricultural landscape. This webinar will discuss the CP33 practice requirements, their importance on the landscape and how best to establish, manage, and maintain the habitat quality for quail and grassland birds.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
Major Land Uses in WLFW NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas
Major land use types within the boundaries of the WLFW Northern bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas framework.
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Maps and Spatial Data
Managing agricultural land for quail
Cropland used to be synonymous with bobwhite whistles in South Carolina. As Ted Rainwater, Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologist, explains, there a many things a landowner can do to modern agriculture to make it more quail-friendly.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
Managing Longleaf Pine Forests for Our Future
Longleaf Climate Smart Guide (2024) by TNC, Clemson, and The Longleaf Alliance, 17 pages
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General Resources and Publications
Managing Oak Forests for Northern Bobwhite Quail
The southeastern United States has millions of acres of oak dominated forests that have a closed canopy with limited herbaceous and shrub understory that northern bobwhite require. However, research has demonstrated that with adequate overstory thinning, and the use of frequent prescribed fire, these forests can support populations of Northern Bobwhite Quail, presenting perhaps the best opportunity for large-scale quail restoration in the region. Participants in the webinar will learn about managing oak forests and restoration efforts related to northern bobwhite quail.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
Map of Fescue Belt
Map of fescue belt within the U.S. superimposed over map of states participating in WLFW NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas
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Maps and Spatial Data