Newest Version of Climate Funding Opportunities
This document provides a snapshot of currently available, climate-related funding opportunities compiled by NOAA and partners in the Great Lakes Region.
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NFWF Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund 2017 Funding Opportunity
The NFWF Monarch Butterfly Conservation Fund is now accepting applications for competitive funding.
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North Atlantic LCC Announces Science Delivery RFP
Request for proposals addresses a key science need by advancing application of landscape conservation science products at multiple scales across the North Atlantic region.
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Now Taking Applications! TN Shade Your Stream 2022 Grant Cycle
Funding Opp | Streambank Restoration in TN
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership 2017 Call for Project Proposals
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership is currently accepting proposals to fund on-the-ground, aquatic habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement projects within the Ohio River Basin.
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Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership FY 2018 Call for Project Proposals
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) anticipates receiving appropriations in FY 2018 to support the Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership (ORBFHP) and its efforts to complete on-the-ground, aquatic habitat protection, restoration, and enhancement projects.
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OSM Announces More Than $300 Million Available to Clean Up Abandoned Coal Mines
The U. S. Department of the Interior’s Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) today announced the availability of more than $305 million in Abandoned Mine Land (AML) grants to states and tribes—90 percent of the more than $339.4 million available for distribution—to eliminate environmental hazards caused by past coal mining. OSM administers the grants in accordance with the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA), which requires OSM to make AML funding available to eligible states and tribes.
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Partnership Seeking Input for Projects to Strengthen National Defense and Preserve Working Lands
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) joined the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Department of Defense (DoD) to announce the Sentinel Landscapes Federal Coordinating Committee will now accept applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Sentinel Landscape designation process.
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Plains & Prairie Potholes LCC - FY17 Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Plains and Prairie Potholes LCC is pleased to announce the FY17 Notice of Funding Opportunity for strategic science. Proposals targeting land use change dynamics and human dimensions aspects of conservation will be accepted via Grants.gov until January 23, 2017.
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Protecting Southern Appalachian Wildlife in an Era of Climate Change
The Open Space Institute is pleased to announce the second round of funding through the Southern Cumberland Land Protection Fund, which will award grants and loans to conservation projects protecting habitat that facilitates wildlife adaptation to changes in climate and other environmental factors.
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