The Nature Conservancy, Sandhills Office
Longleaf pine forests once stretched 90 million acres from Virginia to Texas. Harvested for lumber, turpentine, tar and pitch, this vast forest began to decline rapidly in the 19th century, and today a mere 3% of the original range remains. You can see what these ancient woodlands once looked like by visiting Calloway Forest, a longleaf pine forest in the Sandhills. Many wildlife species depend on the openness of longleaf pine forest to forage and raise young.
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The Value of Land
This video shares the stories of low-wealth heirs’ property owners in the South -- and how they are being served by The Center for Heirs' Property to protect rural, family-owned land.
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Timber Management and Prescribed Fire
Joe Marschall (Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Science Consortium) moderates a panel of fire professionals and timber management specialists to discuss results from research and personal experience of combining prescribed fire with timber management.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Tree map: Program catalogs every grove in the U.S. forest
Karin Riley, a fire researcher at the Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, helped develop Tree Map, a computer program that catalogs data for wooded areas across the Continental United States. The program allows researchers and fire crews to study and react to fire patterns for better mitigation and suppression.
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Virginia Department of Forestry
We protect and develop healthy, sustainable forest resources for Virginians.
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Western North Carolina Alliance
For 30 years, the Western North Carolina Alliance has been a trusted community partner, marshaling grassroots support to keep North Carolinian forests healthy, air and water clean, and communities vibrant.
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Where the Not-So-Mighty Chestnut Still Grows
A recent study by U.S. Forest Service, university, and state agency researchers provides baseline information on contemporary populations of American chestnut needed to support restoration of the tree to the forests it once dominated.
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News & Events
Woods for Wildlife: Native Plants of the Longleaf Pine Forest and Active Management of Early Successional Plant Communities
Learn about the high diversity of plant species in the longleaf pine ecosystem and how to actively manage land to preserve this diversity. The presenters discuss how to maximize wildlife management goals through active management of early successional plant communities. Commonly referred to as early successional habitat, these plant communities benefit a vast array of wildlife species including the northern bobwhite quail, monarch butterfly, and red-cockaded woodpecker.
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Videos and Webinars
Working Lands for Wildlife: In Pursuit of the Shifting Mosaic
Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society with Working Lands for Wildlife discuss forests, wildlife, and communities. This webinar described working lands conservation programs and how they can benefit landowners, wildlife species, and promote forest diversity. Meant for landowners and natural resource professionals.
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