Removal of Illegally Introduced and Missed Rainbow Trout from Lynn Camp Prong, Great Smoky Mountain National Park, Tennessee
This project will remove the illegally introduced and missed rainbow trout from the Lynn Camp Prong Watershed in Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Once complete, the project will reconnect brook trout populations in three tributary streams thus eliminating fragmentation in this watershed. (Photo: Lynn Camp Prong in Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee.)
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Removal of Two Dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed, Potter County, PA
This project will remove the only two dams in the Wetmore Run Watershed in Potter County, Pennsylvania opening 8.5 miles of habitat for brook trout. Removal of the dams will also eliminate thermal pollution and restore lotic ecosystem function. (Photo: Looking upstream at the dam on Wetmore Run. No water is going over the spillway.)
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Restoring Aquatic Organism Passage within Tipton Creek, North Carolina
This project will be the first of several designed to reconnect and restore brook trout habitat and populations within the Tellico River watershed. It will remove one barrier on Tipton Creek in the Upper Tellico River Watershed to reconnect approximately 4 miles of stream. (Photo: The crossing to be replaced on Tipton Creek in North Carolina.)
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Restoring Browns Run Fish Passage, Barr Township, Pennsylvania
This project will open the headwaters of Browns Run, a tributary to the West Branch of the Susquehana River, to native brook trout passage and improve Browns Run brook trout habitat. (Photo: Pool Behind Browns Run Dam, Pennsylvania.)
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St. Mary's Liming, St. Mary's River, Virginia
The streams of the Saint Mary's Wilderness, located on the slopes of Virginia's Blue Ridge Mountains, have been severely compromised by anthropogenic atmospheric acid deposition. This project will add limestone sand using to the headwater streams of St. Mary's River to enhance over 12 miles of stream for brook trout. (Photo: St. Mary's River, Virginia.)
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Thorn Creek Aquatic Passage Project, Pendelton County, West Virginia
This project will remove the 9 identified fish passage barriers in a 50 square mile wild brook trout watershed in Thorn Creek of the South Branch of the Potomac. (Photo: Typical low water bridge crossing to be removed on Thorn Creek in West Virginia.)
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Upper Shavers Fork Aquatic Passage Project, West Virginia
This project seeks to restore habitat linkages between two spawning tributaries and the mainstem of Upper Shaver's Fork between Cheat Bridge and Spruce, West Virginia. (Photo: The Beaver Creek Culverts to be replaced.)
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Valley River Watershed Habitat Restoration Project
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Whitewater to Bluewater W2B
Valley River Watershed Habitat Restoration Project
Valley River is an outstanding aquatic resource in the mountain region of North Carolina; however,303(d) listing and habitat degradation haw become more consistently the norm across the watershed. To address these problems, HRWC established,enhanced and estored adequate riparian buffers along the banks of the stream, restored aquatic habitat by reducing sedimentation and adding large woody debris in appropriate areas, and educated watershed residents about the river and these needs. (Photo: Murphy Track Site During)
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