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This all-in-one guide delivers the essential strategies and tactics to keep you safe from wildfire — no matter where you live.
Located in Landowner Information / Landowner Resources
Organization Association for Fire Ecology
The Association for Fire Ecology is an organization of professionals dedicated to improving the knowledge and use of fire in land management through science and education.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Atmosphere is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of scientific studies related to the atmosphere published monthly online.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
Image Attack One Burn Crew Georgia 2018
Prescribed burns used to manage habitat for bobwhite, gopher tortoise.
Located in Resources / Images
Extension Foundation Campus: Basic Prescribed Fire Training is an online course for landowners, land managers, state/federal agency personnel. In this course participants will develop a basic knowledge of the use, application and effects of prescribed fire. For more information or to enroll, contact John Weir, Oklahoma State University, at
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Organization Bomberos de Chile
Nuestra Misión Velar que el servicio bomberil sea eficaz por medio de una estandarización y sistematización de sus procesos. Nuestra Visión Ser reconocido por los Cuerpos de Bomberos como un organismo de servicio de alta calidad en la asignación de recursos, apoyo técnico y formación integral de Bomberos. Asimismo, aspira a ser un referente de la actividad de Bomberos de Chile ante el Estado y la comunidad nacional e internacional.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Learn about the opportunities of using prescribed fire during the growing season in the warm Summer and Fall months. Prescribed fire can help livestock operations extend good forage later into the year. This factsheet designed for landowners and producers interested in prescribed fire and the practitioners that support them.
Located in Training / Publications, fact sheets, training materials
The California Fire Science Consortium (as part of the Joint Fire Science Program's Fire Science Exchange network) is a network of scientists and managers that strives to accelerate the awareness, understanding, and adoption of wildland fire science information by federal, tribal, state, local, and private stakeholders within ecologically similar regions.
Located in Resources / Research / Research Journals
Central Appalachians FLN Annual Workshop
More than 80 participants, representing 21 di erent organization and agency units, gathered in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia for the annual two-day workshop of the Central Appalachians Fire Learning Network (FLN).
Located in News & Events
Central Appalachians FLN Annual Workshop
Mark your calendars for our 2017 workshop and stay tuned for more information about lodging, registration and topics to follow soon.
Located in News & Events