South Atlantic Web Forum on Thursday - How decision-makers view the evolution of wildlife conservation challenges in the Southeast
Join us on Thursday for a presentation by Kathryn Jewell, Graduate Research Assistant in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at North Carolina State University
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Webinar: Pine health issues in the southeastern U.S.
Several biotic and abiotic stressors, including insects, pathogens, and weather, can impact pine growth in the Southeast. Dr. David Coyle (Clemson University) will provide a general overview of identification, impact, and management strategies for pine health in the region.
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Tennessee River Basin Network Annual Meeting Aug 10 & 11 2021
You are a vital part of our Network! Come join us virtually to continue our collective work towards a Tennessee River Basin where aquatic and human life thrive!
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Registration Now Open | TRBN's 2021 Annual Meeting (August 10-11th)
Join us for the Tennessee River Basin Network's Annual Meeting
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South Atlantic Third Thursday Web Forum
Join us on Thursday for a presentation by Mark Anderson and Melissa Clark of TNC's Center for Resilient Conservation Science Team.
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SE CASC Science Seminar on Research for Adaptation Planning at Gulf Islands National Seashore
Join us for our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast. Each month a SE CASC researcher will provide an overview of their work and the management implications of their research findings
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SE CASC Science Seminar on Forecasting Conservation Strategies’ Influence on Landscape Connectivity
Join us for our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast. Each month a SE CASC researcher will provide an overview of their work and the management implications of their research findings.
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Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Symposium September 19-21, 2022
Join the Southeast CASC in Gulf Shores, Alabama for the 2022 Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Symposium.
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Registration Open | TRBN Annual Conference | August 24-25, Knoxville TN
CONNECT and NETWORK with your peers working to safeguard the Tennessee River Basin's aquatic and human life!
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Demonstration of the Habitat Climate Change Vulnerability Index (HCCVI)
The earth’s rapidly changing climate requires substantial adjustments to existing strategies for conserving natural systems. Managers need a better understanding of factors that contribute to the vulnerability of ecosystems and plant communities in order to formulate new adaptation strategies. The Climate Change Vulnerability Index for Ecosystems and Habitats documents series of indicators of vulnerability to climate change.
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