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Organization Harvard University
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Organization EcoForesters
EcoForesters is a non-profit professional forestry organization dedicated to conserving and restoring our Appalachian forests through education and stewardship.
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Organization Berry College
Berry’s mission is to prepare the whole student for all of life. More than just exceptional academics, Berry provides opportunity for eight semesters of paid professional development experience through our LifeWorks™ program. With support from a network of mentors that have your back from day one, you’ll gain the tools and connections to create your path to a meaningful life.
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Organization Octet Stream University of Pennsylvania
Penn’s academics are boosted by its inherent culture and ecosystem of innovation. You name it, if it’s cutting-edge, the University’s faculty—and students—have their hands in it.
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Organization Octet Stream University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota System is driven by a singular vision of excellence. We are proud of our land-grant mission of world-class education, groundbreaking research, and community-engaged outreach, and we are unified in our drive to serve Minnesota.
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Organization object code University at Buffalo
The University at Buffalo, New York State’s flagship, is consistently recognized as one of the world's most exceptional, most affordable universities, making it a top choice for students and faculty around the globe.
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Organization The Jones Center at Ichauway
Spanning nearly 30,000 acres of woods, water, and wildlife, The Jones Center at Ichauway provides a unique combination of place, people, and processes to better understand, demonstrate, and promote effective management of natural resources through research, conservation, and education.
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Organization Freed-Hardeman University
The mission of Freed-Hardeman University is to help students develop their God-given talents for His glory by empowering them with an education that integrates Christian faith, scholarship and service.
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Organization Octet Stream University of West Alabama
The University of West Alabama is a state-supported, coeducational institution of higher learning governed by a Board of Trustees appointed by the Governor. As a regional institution, the University’s foremost commitment is to meeting the educational needs of the State and particularly of the West Alabama area. Valuing a diverse student enrollment, though, it also welcomes students from throughout the United States and from other countries.
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Organization D source code University of Maryland
The University of Maryland, College Park is the state's flagship university and one of the nation's preeminent public research universities.
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