Ecological Forestry Workshop for US Fish & Wildlife Service
This is an extremely valuable workshop for anyone in any Service program working with forest conservation issues, especially involving Threatened and Endangered and migratory bird species.
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Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Assessments of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation
Rising sea levels coupled with population growth along coasts make climate adaptation planning an imperative. The framework of ecosystem services can help managers understand how alternative management and climate scenarios are likely to affect a broad range of services delivered to people from coastal ecosystems.
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Emerging Consensus Shows Climate Change Already Having Major Effects on Ecosystems and Species
Plant and animal species are shifting their geographic ranges and the timing of their life events – such as flowering, laying eggs or migrating – at faster rates than researchers documented just a few years ago, according to a technical report on biodiversity and ecosystems used as scientific input for the 2013 Third National Climate Assessment.
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National Strategy Will Help Safeguard Fish, Wildlife and Plants in a Changing Climate
In partnership with State and Tribal agencies, the Obama Administration today released the first nationwide strategy to help public and private decision makers address the impacts that climate change is having on natural resources and the people and economies that depend on them. Developed in response to a request by Congress, the National Fish, Wildlife, and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy is the product of extensive national dialogue that spanned nearly two years and was shaped by comments from more than 55,000 Americans.
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Wetland restorations offer environmental, economic benefits
Scientists with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service recognize the environmental and economic benefits regional wetlands provide and the importance of preserving wetland resources.
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Butler, Patricia
Coordinator, Climate Change Response Framework
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North Carolina Natural Heritage Program
North Carolina Natural Heritage Program's mission is to provide science and incentives to inform conservation decisions and support conservation of significant natural areas in North Carolina.
By gathering and sharing information about rare species and natural communities, the Program ensures public access to information that is needed to weigh the ecological significance of natural areas and to evaluate potential ecological impacts of conservation and development projects. The Program sits within the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.
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Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS)
The mission of SERPPAS is to seize opportunities and solve problems in ways that provide mutual and multiple benefits to the partners, sustain the individual and collective mission of partner organizations, and secure the future for all the partners, the region, and the nation. This mission will be accomplished through identifying opportunities for mutual gain among all partner groups, effectively addressing differences among the partners, and focusing on identifying solutions to complex problems.
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Sentinel Landscapes Partnership
The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership is a coalition of federal agencies, state and local governments, and non-governmental organizations that works with private landowners to advance sustainable land management practices around military installations and ranges.
Founded in 2013 by the U.S. Department of Defense, Department of Agriculture, and Department of the Interior, the partnership’s mission is to strengthen military readiness, conserve natural resources, bolster agricultural and forestry economies, and increase climate change resilience.
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Wildland Forestry & Environmental, Inc.
We are a regional consulting firm serving a wide variety of landowners or managers with forestry, habitat, and natural resources planning and management.
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