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Organization Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Wildlife Resources Division
Carries out the Department of Natural Resource's (DNR) mission to enhance and conserve Georgia’s natural, historic, and cultural resources. As one of six divisions within DNR, the Wildlife Resources Division is charged with conserving and promoting Georgia’s wildlife resources, including game and nongame animals, fish, and protected plants.
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Organization ECMAScript program Maryland Department of Natural Resources - Natural Heritage Program
Since 1979, the Maryland Natural Heritage Program (MD NHP) has been the lead state agency responsible for protecting and managing nongame, rare, threatened, and endangered species and their habitats in Maryland.
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Organization North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is the state government agency that sustains the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use, and public input. The Commission is the regulatory agency responsible for the enforcement of the state's fishing, hunting, trapping, and boating laws.
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Organization Tennessee River Basin Network
Tennessee River Basin Network aims to inspire and empower people to effectively steward the region's aquatic biodiversity. The Network is comprised of two Communities of Practice (Science & Management, Communication & Outreach) to promote engagement and collective learning. By bringing members of shared expertise and experience together regularly, partners are given the opportunity to help one another and share information and resources, thus enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of conservation efforts.
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Organization x-conference/x-cooltalk USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners conserve the nation’s soil, water, air and other natural resources. All programs are voluntary and offer science-based solutions that benefit both the landowner and the environment.
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Organization Defenders of Wildlife
Defenders works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife across North America and around the world. Together, we can ensure a future for the wildlife and wild places we all love.
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Organization Jones Center at Ichauway
The Jones Center at Ichauway seeks to understand, to demonstrate and to promote excellence in natural resource management and conservation on the landscape of the southeastern Coastal Plain of the United States.
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Organization D source code Georgia Environmental Protection Division
The Environmental Protection Division (EPD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is a state agency charged with protecting Georgia's air, land, and water resources through the authority of state and federal environmental statutes.
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Organization Missouri Department of Conservation
Our work began in 1937, when citizen-led efforts created the Department of Conservation to restore, conserve and regulate Missouri's over-stressed fisheries, forests and wildlife populations. During our first 40 years, hunting, fishing, and trapping permits provided most of our funding, but in 1976 an expanded program, the "Design for Conservation," was passed to set aside one-eighth of one percent sales tax directly to the agency. That consistent funding, plus a strong, non-political structure and very supportive public helped make Missouri a national leader in conservation. Today we continue our legacy of protecting our state's wild resources and helping Missourians connect with their natural heritage. Our goal is to sustain diverse, healthy plant and animal communities — well into the future. The Missouri Department of Conservation administers more than 975,000 acres located throughout the state. About 63 percent, or 615,000 acres, are forested. The forest land occurs on a wide variety of sites and, as a result, there is a broad diversity of plant and animal communities present. Oak and hickory are the most common tree species, but other important species are also found, such as shortleaf pine, eastern red cedar, walnut, ash and cottonwood. State forest land provides a variety of environmental benefits including wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation, watershed protection, scenic beauty and wood products.
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Organization Georgia Wildlife Federation
In 1936, the objective of the Georgia Wildlife Federation was established, and it is the same today as it was over 80 years ago: To encourage the intelligent management of the life sustaining resources of the earth – its essential water resources – its protective forests and plant life – and its dependent wildlife – and to promote and encourage the knowledge and appreciation of these resources, their interrelationship and wise use, without which there can be little hope for a continuing abundant life.
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