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Hellbenders Will Get a Second Chance to be Considered for Endangered Species Act Listing
In a lawsuit brought by conservation groups against the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), a federal judge decided FWS must revisit their initial decision not to list the Eastern hellbender.
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Person Carter, Melanie
Habitat Restoration
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Person Knoerr, Michael
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A Fond Farewell to a Founding Team Member
Departing Private Lands Biologist Mike Knoerr Looks Back on His Time with the Hellbender Working Lands for Wildlife Program
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Working Lands for Wildlife Welcomes Newest Private Lands Biologist
Ben Wilson has joined the WLFW Eastern Hellbender team to help serve farmers in Northern Alabama.
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Learning and Connecting at the 10th Biannual Hellbender Symposium
Resuming after a long hiatus, the popular gathering for professionals in the hellbender research and conservation community was a great success.
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Organization object code Saint Louis Zoo
The Saint Louis Zoo is dedicated to saving species and bringing people and wildlife together. Home to over 16,000 animals, many of which are endangered, entry is free every day for everyone, an important part of our commitment to people and animals – always.
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Organization ECMAScript program Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources is a part of a larger group, the Cooperative Extension Service (CES), one of the nation’s largest and best-researched providers of science-based information and education. The Purdue Extension-Forestry and Natural Resources is a great resource and reaches out not only to the state of Indiana but worldwide. We provide resources for aquaculture, fish management, urban and forestry management, natural resource planning, wildlife, and sustainable biomaterials. We encourage you to browse, download free publications, view workshops on the Purdue Extension-FNR Calendar, ask an expert, view Purdue Extension Annual Report and visit other sites that have been added as helpful links.
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Organization ECMAScript program Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
The Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division manages, protects, and enhances the freshwater fishing resources of Alabama including 47 reservoirs, 23 Alabama State Public Fishing Lakes, and 77,000 miles of perennial rivers, streams, and the Mobile Delta.
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Tile Page Baldwin Conservation Lab at Clemson University
The Baldwin lab at Clemson University is committed to examining pressing ecological concerns throughout the Appalachians from the Gaspe' Penninsula to central Alabama. However, most of the current work being done in the lab is concentrated in the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Clemson is conveniently located within a short drive to some of the most interesting aquatic landscapes in the country and furthermore, one of the worlds largest biodiversity hotspots for forest communities, salamanders, and freshwater mussels. This biodiversity, along with rich cultural and historical significance, makes this area prime for landscape-scale conservation planning.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search