University of Kentucky
The University of Kentucky is a public, land grant university dedicated to improving people's lives through excellence in education, research and creative work, service, and health care. As Kentucky's flagship institution, the University plays a critical leadership role by promoting diversity, inclusion, economic development, and human well-being.
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USDA Forest Service Private Land
Did you know that more than half the forest land in the United States is owned and managed by some 10.6 million private forest owners? These working forests benefit us all.
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USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS helps America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners conserve the nation’s soil, water, air and other natural resources. All programs are voluntary and offer science-based solutions that benefit both the landowner and the environment.
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Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR)
The Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is responsible for the management of inland fisheries, wildlife, and recreational boating for the Commonwealth of Virginia. We are leading wildlife conservation and inspiring people to value the outdoors and their role in nature.
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Wildlife Management Institute
The Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) supports the wise use of wildlife, including regulated recreational hunting of designated populations. WMI endorses the proposition of game management, the concept of biological diversity, and principles of ecology. It recognizes that wildlife management must be a skillful blend of science and art in relation to dynamic human circumstances, values, and expectations. And the Wildlife Management Institute believes that wildlife not only reflects the continent's wealth but, in many respects, wildlife is that wealth.
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WLFW-GWWA Project Boundary Shapefiles
This map of the outer project boundary for the partnership excludes 3 states within the species range in Appalachia that declined to participate due to staff shortages and competing priorities. The image shows the WLFW-GWWA project boundary on a national map of WLFW partnership geographies.
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