DEC Adopts Chronic Wasting Disease Regulations in Response to Pennsylvania Discovery
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has adopted changes to its Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) regulations that prohibit people from importing into New York state certain parts of white-tailed deer or elk taken in the state of Pennsylvania, DEC Commissioner Joe Martens announced today. This revision finalizes the emergency rule implemented last October.
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Disease Deadly To Bats Confirmed In Georgia
The disease that has killed millions of bats in the eastern U.S. has been confirmed for the first time in Georgia. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that bats with white-nose syndrome were found recently at two caves in Dade County.
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Federally Endangered Bat Found in North Georgia: First Indiana Bat in Almost 50 Years
In May of last year, a federally endangered Indiana bat woke from hibernation in her Tennessee cave and traveled to a north Georgia forest. This rite of spring may have gone unnoticed except for the fact that the tiny bat carried a transmitter the size of a toothpick.
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Residents Encouraged to Participate in Appalachian Bat Survey
Pennsylvania Game Commission biologists are seeking assistance from residents in a regional monitoring effort to collect bat maternity colony data this summer. This monitoring is especially important to measure bat mortalities caused by White-Nose Syndrome (WNS), a disease that affects hibernating bats in Pennsylvania and other parts of the eastern United States.
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Where the Not-So-Mighty Chestnut Still Grows
A recent study by U.S. Forest Service, university, and state agency researchers provides baseline information on contemporary populations of American chestnut needed to support restoration of the tree to the forests it once dominated.
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White-nose Syndrome Decimates North Carolina’s Bats
Biologists with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have determined that white-nose syndrome (WNS) continues to decimate bat populations in western North Carolina, with some infected locations showing up to a 95 percent decline in hibernating bats over the past one to two years. The disease, which has been confirmed in seven counties in western North Carolina, does not affect people.
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