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Person Thomas, Richard Neil
Located in Expertise Search
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5 Endangered Species Act Update
Featuring general news, incidental take permit, and classification information pertaining to the Endangered Species Act in Region 5.
Located in News & Events
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Completion of National Wetlands Database and Interactive Mapping Tool
To coincide with American Wetlands Month, which begins May 1, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is announcing the completion of the most comprehensive and detailed U.S. wetland data set ever produced, capping a 35-year effort by the Service to map the extent of the nation’s wetlands.
Located in News & Events
Webinar: Navigating the Data Basin Platform: A Guided Tour
An introductory tour to demonstrate multiple ways to explore and create content in Data Basin.
Located in News & Events / Events
A tool developed to provide information necessary in protecting the region’s unique natural resources, promote development and planning that accommodates healthy growth, preserve the heritage and culture that defines communities, and strengthen public health to improve local economies. The Index was developed by University of North Carolina-Asheville National Environmental Modeling and Analysis Center from the result of a partnership between the US Forest Service, the NC Mountain Resources Commission, the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area, the Asheville Board of Realtors and Duke Energy. The current iteration of the index contains over 160 different data metrics for each of the western 27 counties in NC. The information is classified into natural, built, human and economic sectors. Data and maps can be downloaded, spatially examined, and compared with state and national averages. A map viewer function allows users to customize their own maps for specific reports, grant applications, and general education and various presentations.
Located in Cultural Resources / Socioeconomics / Socio-economic Tools
Here you can find data related to climate change that can help inform and prepare America’s communities, businesses, and citizens. Initially, in this pilot phase, you can find data and resources related to coastal flooding, sea level rise, and their impacts. Over time, you will be able to find additional data and tools relevant to other important climate-related impacts, including risks to human health, the food supply, and energy infrastructure. Please share your feedback.
Located in Planning In Practice / Conservation Planning Projects