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Organization Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey
Keeping New Jersey's Wildlife in our Future
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Organization Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife
The Division of Fish & Wildlife conserves and manages Delaware’s fish and wildlife and their habitats, and provides fishing, hunting, wildlife viewing and boating access on nearly 65,000 acres of public land.
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Organization D source code Hudsonia
Since 1981 Hudsonia has conducted environmental research, education, training and technical assistance to protect the natural heritage of the Hudson Valley and neighboring regions. A non-advocacy organization, Hudsonia serves as a neutral voice in the challenging process of land use decision making. Our work includes education, basic and applied research on rare species and their habitats, wetlands and estuaries, and the study of invasive plants and other threats to biodiversity.
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Organization National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF)
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) is dedicated to sustaining, restoring and enhancing the nation’s fish, wildlife, plants and habitats for current and future generations. NFWF remains dedicated to our mission, partners and staff during Coronavirus. We felt it important to take a minute to update you on the actions taken at NFWF and to make certain you know that our lines of communication are open as we all face this global life-changing challenge.
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Organization RealAudio document New Jersey's Endangered & Nongame Species Program
The Endangered and Nongame Species Program's (ENSP) mission is to actively conserve New Jersey's biological diversity by maintaining and enhancing endangered, threatened and nongame wildlife populations within healthy, functioning ecosystems.
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Organization RealAudio document MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
Massachusetts' Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program is responsible for the conservation and protection of hundreds of species that are not hunted, fished, trapped, or commercially harvested in the state, as well as the protection of the natural communities that make up their habitats.
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Organization Mid-Atlantic Center for Herpetology and Conservation
MACHAC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation and study of amphibians and reptiles through advocacy, education, and execution of research by professional herpetologists and ecologists in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern United States.
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Organization Troff document The Wetland Trust
The Wetland Trust protects and restores wetlands and unique wetland biodiversity in New York with special interest in amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna). The Trust presently owns 26 properties covering 1,600 wetland acres.
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Organization Project Bog Turtle
Project Bog Turtle, established in 1995, is a conservation initiative of the North Carolina Herpetological Society. Tom Thorp (Three Lakes Nature Center and Aquarium, Richmond, VA) is currently the chair and is assisted by Ann B. Somers (UNC-Greensboro, Greensboro, NC). The original project was originated in the late 1970s by Dennis Herman as a continuation of a bog turtle distribution survey, initiated by Robert T. Zappalorti (Herpetological Associates, Inc.), in southwestern North Carolina and expanded to include other southern states to locate new sites and populations of bog turtles. Most of the work, however, was conducted in North Carolina. The project involved population density studies in several sites and a captive propagation and head-start program at the Atlanta Zoological Park (now Zoo Atlanta). It was evident, as the project progressed, that additional personnel and assistance from various state, federal, and private agencies would be needed.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature.
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