Bhuta, Arvind
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HN Biology Investigation
En HN Biology Investigation tenemos la convicción de que la ciencia debe ser accesible para todos. Por lo cual tenemos como meta generar conocimiento por medio del uso de herramientas necesarias para nuestra formación como científicos profesionales. Para lograr lo anterior se imparten cursos y talleres tanto virtuales como presenciales, en campo y laboratorio a costos accesible al publico en general, incluso brindando becas para las personas o instituciones interesadas.
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DENR-UNDP/GEF Biodiversity Corridor Project
The Integrated Approach in Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines or BD Corridor Project is a Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded Project with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as the GEF Executing Agency and Implementing Partner, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as the GEF Implementing Agency. Project sites are Mindoro Island and Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridors.
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Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras
Webinar on Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras presented by David King on July 24, 2020.
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The Southeast is Perfect for the Aquatic Connectivity Framework
The Southeastern United States is an absolute gem in terms of freshwater diversity. The rivers and streams here are bursting with life, making this region one of the country's most biodiverse places for freshwater species. The Southeast is home to around 600 freshwater fish species, 500 of which are endemic. This region is a global hotspot for freshwater biodiversity, making the Aquatic Connectivity Framework (ACF) an excellent fit for the Southeast. We aim to protect and restore these incredible aquatic habitats through a landscape-scale Working Lands for Wildlife approach.
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Biodiversity Critical to Maintaining Healthy Ecosystems
Researchers have found clear evidence that biological communities rich in species are substantially healthier and more productive than those depleted of species.
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Schuette, Scott
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Stoleson, Scott
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NatureServe is a non-profit conservation organization whose mission is to provide the scientific basis for effective conservation action. NatureServe and its network of natural heritage programs are the leading source for information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems. NatureServe represents an international network of biological inventories-known as natural heritage programs or conservation data centers-operating in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.
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Tennessee River Basin Network
Tennessee River Basin Network aims to inspire and empower people to effectively steward the region's aquatic biodiversity. The Network is comprised of two Communities of Practice (Science & Management, Communication & Outreach) to promote engagement and collective learning. By bringing members of shared expertise and experience together regularly, partners are given the opportunity to help one another and share information and resources, thus enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of conservation efforts.
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