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Person Octet Stream Bhuta, Arvind
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Biodiversity Critical to Maintaining Healthy Ecosystems
Researchers have found clear evidence that biological communities rich in species are substantially healthier and more productive than those depleted of species.
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Organization Bombay Natural History Society
The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), a pan-India wildlife research organization, has been promoting the cause of nature conservation since 1883.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist?
To free up land for biodiversity conservation while satisfying growing food demand, techno-optimist narratives suggest indefinitely increasing agricultural productivity, including through massive pesticide use. But this view, which has made its way from an academic niche into corporate and policy-making circles, overlooks the complexity of natural ecosystems and the market dynamics that regulate access to food.
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Organization D source code DENR-UNDP/GEF Biodiversity Corridor Project
The Integrated Approach in Management of Major Biodiversity Corridors in the Philippines or BD Corridor Project is a Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded Project with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as the GEF Executing Agency and Implementing Partner, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as the GEF Implementing Agency. Project sites are Mindoro Island and Eastern Mindanao Biodiversity Corridors.
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Video CMU raster image Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras
Webinar on Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras presented by David King on July 24, 2020.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Organization HN Biology Investigation
En HN Biology Investigation tenemos la convicción de que la ciencia debe ser accesible para todos. Por lo cual tenemos como meta generar conocimiento por medio del uso de herramientas necesarias para nuestra formación como científicos profesionales. Para lograr lo anterior se imparten cursos y talleres tanto virtuales como presenciales, en campo y laboratorio a costos accesible al publico en general, incluso brindando becas para las personas o instituciones interesadas.
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Organization D source code Hudsonia
Since 1981 Hudsonia has conducted environmental research, education, training and technical assistance to protect the natural heritage of the Hudson Valley and neighboring regions. A non-advocacy organization, Hudsonia serves as a neutral voice in the challenging process of land use decision making. Our work includes education, basic and applied research on rare species and their habitats, wetlands and estuaries, and the study of invasive plants and other threats to biodiversity.
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Organization Mesoamerican Development Institute
Mesoamerican Development Institute (MDI) is a nongovernmental organization with offices in Honduras and UMass Lowell. MDI specializes in technology transfer and market development; we introduce renewable energy innovations for agro-productive industry to reduce costs and restore environments in rural Mesoamerica.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization NatureServe
NatureServe is a non-profit conservation organization whose mission is to provide the scientific basis for effective conservation action. NatureServe and its network of natural heritage programs are the leading source for information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems. NatureServe represents an international network of biological inventories-known as natural heritage programs or conservation data centers-operating in all 50 U.S. states, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean.
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