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File Ecological Flows 2nd Quarter Report, 2013
Report from Vendors of the Aquatic Ecologic Flows Project.
Located in Research / / Quarterly Reports / Q2 2013
Ecology Team Improves Understanding of Valley-wide Stream Chemistry
A geostatistical approach for studying environmental conditions in stream networks and landscapes has been successfully applied at a valley-wide scale to assess headwater stream chemistry at high resolution, revealing unexpected patterns in natural chemical components.
Located in News & Events
Endangered and Threatened Fishes Return to Home Waters in Tennessee
Five federally endangered and threatened fish species – smoky madtom, yellowfin madtom, duskytail darter, spotfin chub, and boulder darter – have been reintroduced to streams in central Tennessee where they were once found to help speed their recovery.
Located in News & Events
Endangered Species Act Protections Proposed for Two Appalachian Crayfishes in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia
Just as the central Appalachian landscape was beginning to undergo changes related to early 20th century mining, logging and population growth, researchers documented a number of crayfish species in the streams of this area known for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife. Two of these crayfishes, the Big Sandy crayfish and the Guyandotte River crayfish, are now in danger of extinction.
Located in News & Events
Project Evaluating Effect of Climate Change on River Flows in the Clinch River Basin
A new project by the U.S. Geological Survey is evaluating the potential cascading effects to river flows and quality aquatic habitat due to changes in climate within an ecologically important area of the Appalachian LCC. A greater understanding of likely flow changes within the Virginia portion of the Clinch River Basin will allow managers to better respond to alterations and degradation of physical habitat. Information and results from this study will also provide managers with methods to be applied throughout the Appalachian LCC region. (Photo by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries)
Located in Research
Event Convenes Kentucky Conservationists and Waterways Transportation Industry
On December 12th, the Ingram Barge Company and the Crounse Corporation convened more than 45 representatives from the waterways transportation industry at an event they hoped would serve as a catalyst for future collaborations with The Nature Conservancy throughout the Mississippi River Basin.
Located in News & Events
File Troff document Fact Sheet: Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
An innovative web-based tool - funded by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and developed by researchers from the U.S. Forest Service and the University of Massachusetts - is allowing managers to rapidly identify high-priority riparian targets for restoration to make more resilient in preparation for changes in future climate. The Riparian Restoration Prioritization to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) tool identifies vulnerable stream and riverbanks that lack tree cover and shade in coldwater stream habitats. By locating the best spots to plant trees in riparian zones, resource managers can provide shade that limits the amount of solar radiation heating the water and reduces the impacts from climate change. This well-established management strategy will benefit high-elevation, cold-water aquatic communities.
Located in Tools & Resources / Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool
Final EPA/USGS Technical Report: Protecting Aquatic Life from Effects of Hydrologic Alteration
A new report provides scientific and technical information related to protection of aquatic life from effects of hydrologic alteration.
Located in News & Events
Final Report: A Stream Classification for the Appalachian LCC
A classification system and map was developed for stream and river systems in the Appalachian LCC region, encompassing parts of 17 states. The product is intended to complement state-based stream classifications by unifying them into a single consistent system that represents the region’s natural flowing aquatic habitats. The results can be used to understand ecological flow relationships and inform conservation planning for aquatic biodiversity in the region.
Located in Research / Funded Projects / Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
First-of-its-kind Interactive Map Brings Together 40 Years of Water-Quality Data
A new U.S. Geological Survey interactive map provides a comprehensive, long-term look at changes in the quality of our nation’s rivers and streams over the last four decades.
Located in News & Events