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You are here: Home / Training / Videos and Webinars / Endangered Mussels Released into the Clinch River, Largest Release in Eastern US

Endangered Mussels Released into the Clinch River, Largest Release in Eastern US

Endangered Mussels Released into the Clinch River, Largest Release in Eastern US

Biologists from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF), and partners from Virginia Tech, the Nature Conservancy, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stocked thousands of mussels into the Clinch River, Russell County. The Clinch River has more species of endangered freshwater mussels than any other river in North America. Elementary school students from Cleveland, VA, participated in the event, and learned about the many functions of mussels, including providing habitat for fish, becoming food for many other animals, and filtering and cleaning the water in our streams and rivers. Over 3,500 federally-endangered mussels were produced at the Department's Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Center in Marion, Virginia.