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636 items matching your search terms
WLFW West Newsletter August 2024
Publication Alert: Grazing and Grazers Support Pollinators’ Critical Role in Ecology
Murry Burgess ’23 is Mentoring the Next Generation of Conservation Leaders
A passion for research and mentorship led Murry Burgess ‘23 to a career in academia as an assistant professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and ...
Responding to Climate Change on National Forests: A Guidebook for Developing Adaptation Options
From the USDA Forest Service, comes a recently published guidebook for climate change adaptation in national forests. It provides a state-of-science summary of ...
Catastrophic decline in freshwater mussels may impact water quality and other species. These invertebrates play a crucial role in river ecosystems. With ...
Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras
Webinar on Forest biodiversity and Human communities in Honduras presented by David King on July 24, 2020.
Climate Change's Growing Threat to Public Lands
Secretary Jewell attended the 2014 World Parks Congress in Australia, where she stressed the need for international cooperation on public lands and the growing ...
Welcome to the Southeast CASC March 2023 Newsletter
SE CASC News; Resources; Publications; Tribal News; Events; .Opportunities
Senators Reintroduce Landmark Wildlife Conservation Bill
The bipartisan legislation would invest billions in state, Tribal conservation efforts
Celebrating Bog Turtles During Wild Turtle Week
Wild Turtle Week gives us an opportunity to bring extra attention to turtles and our conservation efforts on their behalf.
Online Screening of "One Stick at a Time
This film follows land managers in the Methow Valley, Washington for over a year, from forests to rivers, from fires to snowfall, from beaver capture to ...
Community Newsletters
A collection of partner newsletters.
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint-November 2019 Newsletter
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint November 2019 Newsletter Southeast Blueprint 4.0 finalized by Rua Mordecai, Coordinator, Southeast and South Atlantic ...
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint-December 2019 Newsletter
South Atlantic indicator improvements, winter web forum schedule, resilient coastal sites data, and more.
South Atlantic Blueprint February 2019 newsletter
New habitat suitability maps for at-risk herps in longleaf, short videos on Piedmont prairies available
South Atlantic Blueprint April 2020 Newsletter
2020 SECAS products, upcoming webinar series, landowner compliance with management incentives, and more.
South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint May 2020 newsletter
Blueprint used in several recent successful grants, Piedmont Prairie Partnership video and survey
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint January 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue: The South Atlantic Blueprint in 2020: Last year in review.
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint March 2021 Newsletter
Spring webinar schedule, ask me anything (about user support), Georgia dam removal handbook, and more
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint May 2021 Newsletter
Register for a Blueprint workshop, new beta Southeast Blueprint viewer, the role of user support, and more
News from the South Atlantic Blueprint: June 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue: Draft South Atlantic Blueprint 2021 is available online (minus corridors); SECAS Steering Committee update; Summer Third Thursday Web Forum ...
South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Newsletter March 2022
New SECAS coordinator, spring web forum schedule, progress on South Atlantic-->SECAS transition.
South Atlantic Blueprint June 2022 Newsletter
Blueprint workshop results and summer web forum schedule.
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter May 2020
Welcome to the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center’s May 2020 newsletter.
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter June, 2020
Welcome to the Southeast CASC June 2020 Newsletter.
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center March 2021 Newsletter
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center April 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to the Southeast CASC April 2022 Newsletter
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Newsletter May 2022
Welcome to the Southeast CASC May 2022 Newsletter
Tennessee River Basin Network Newsletter November, 2019
Your Network News November 2019.
Tennessee River Basin Network News March 2020
Your Network News - Cast your vote on TRBN priorities
Tennessee River Basin Network Newsletter May 2021
Network News | Funding & International Conference
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