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Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Webinar Series

Foresters and land managers have many management tools at their disposal. A tool that’s often overlooked is prescribed fire. Prescribed fire for forest management is important for ​ecosystem health, forest regeneration, wildlife habitat, forest health, and disease control. Join us for insightful discussions with national experts as we discuss forest management using prescribed fire. Learn some of the practical knowledge of where, when, why, and how to apply fire in forest ecosystems.

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SFE Webinar: Fueling Collaboration

A series of interactive panel discussions designed to connect fire managers and researchers. Each discussion will be built on questions from the registered attendees. We're working to bring people together to discuss, explore, and address the latest fire science and fire management issues across the eastern United States.

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Prescribed Fire Effects on Water Quality in the Southern Appalachians April 22nd, 12:00-1:00 EST

Kipling Klimas (Utah State University) will discuss his work assessing the impact of prescribed fire on high value forested watersheds in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains.

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Upcoming Webinar: Introduction to the Southeast FireMap

A free webinar for practitioners and the public to learn about the Southeast FireMap with representatives from USDA-NRCS, Tall Timbers Research Station, the Longleaf Alliance, the Southern Fire Exchange, and the University of Florida.

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You're Invited! Perspectives on Prescribed Fire Management in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems

SE CASC & South Atlantic Spring/Summer Science Series July 16 2020.

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National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting

Join the National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative for our quarterly Zoom meeting. This meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire Extension projects in Pennsylvania and Florida. We will also discuss ways NEWFI members across the country have adapted to offering wildland fire programming remotely due to restrictions related to COVID-19.

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