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636 items matching your search terms
Fire Leadership for Women: Three 20-Day Training Opportunities in 2023
During the 20-day session, participants will experience 10 - 12 days of hands-on burning in complex situations as wildland urban interface, various fuel types, ...
Texas Prescribed Burn Workshop 4-day Course in 2023
Meets Training and Testing requirement for Board Certified TDA prescribed burn manager certification.
WFSU FM Florida-Perspectives: Prescribed Burns
The recent and devastating fire near Eastpoint in Franklin County has led to a larger discussion about prescribed burns. Talking about it are: Kevin Hiers and ...
Fighting Fire with Fire: Can Fire Positively Impact an Ecosystem?
Wildfires occur naturally when lightning strikes a forest or grassland. Alternatively, controlled burns, also known as prescribed fires, are set by land ...
Igniting Inspiration for Women in Fire
If our use of fire for managing lands is to improve and expand in the United States, it will need to involve more women and diverse perspectives. Thanks to ...
Introducing Burner Bob - A Cool Dude with a Hot Message!
Burner Bob - A Cool Dude with a Hot Message!
Prescribed Burn Associations: Different Models for Different Places
The Benefits of Opening Forest Canopies
Learn about the benefits of creating open canopy in oak forested areas -- for livestock, aesthetics, and wildlife -- with Dwayne Elmore from the Oklahoma State ...
Prescribed burning in wooded areas
John Weir from the Oklahoma State University explains the value of prescribed burning in oak forests -- and describes the differences in burning needs that ...
The benefits of prescribed burns in growing season
Fire Ecologist John Weir describes the benefits of prescribed burns during the livestock grass growing season.
Managing Burns Safely
Tips for landowners and producers on how to burn their pasture safely and efficiently in the spring. Brought to you by John Weir at Oklahoma State University.
The Importance of Regular Prescribed Burning
Landowners and producers are welcomed to learn about the importance of regular prescribed burning. View property that was recently burned and how this ...
Eastern redcedar burning tips
Landowners and forest managers are welcomed to learn about how to clear and Eastern redcedar and maintain their lands and forests with prescribed burns.
National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting
Join the National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative for our quarterly Zoom meeting. This meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire ...
You're Invited! Perspectives on Prescribed Fire Management in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems
SE CASC & South Atlantic Spring/Summer Science Series July 16 2020.
Upcoming Webinar: Introduction to the Southeast FireMap
A free webinar for practitioners and the public to learn about the Southeast FireMap with representatives from USDA-NRCS, Tall Timbers Research Station, the ...
Prescribed Fire Effects on Water Quality in the Southern Appalachians April 22nd, 12:00-1:00 EST
Kipling Klimas (Utah State University) will discuss his work assessing the impact of prescribed fire on high value forested watersheds in the southern Blue ...
SFE Webinar: Fueling Collaboration
A series of interactive panel discussions designed to connect fire managers and researchers. Each discussion will be built on questions from the registered ...
Does Cattle Grazing Reduce Fire Fuels and Fire Danger?
The last few fire seasons have clearly demonstrated that fires are coming more frequently and at sizes that challenge our ability to fight and/or control them. ...
South Atlantic Blueprint Newsletter June 2020
Big improvements to Blueprint methods, forest retention analysis uses Blueprint, Piedmont prairie survey preview.
Driptorch Digest No. 45 June 2020
A Newsletter for the Southern Prescribed Fire Community
On the Line-Survey Says... Apr 21, 2020
While much is known about the science of wildland fire behavior, the same cannot necessarily be said about our understanding of the impacts that these blazes ...
They Know How to Prevent Megafires. Why Won’t Anybody Listen?
This is a story about frustration, about watching the West burn when you fully understand why it’s burning — and understand why it did not need to be this bad.
SE FireMap
An improved system for mapping fires across the U.S.
Paul Hessburg: Why Wildfires Have Gotten Worse-and What We Can Do About It
Megafires, individual fires that burn more than 100,000 acres, are on the rise in the western United States -- the direct result of unintentional yet massive ...
Flagler County Land Management assists Central Florida Prescribed Fire Council instructing wildland fire training class in Apopka
Twenty-one students from nine different organizations across the state of Florida participated in the training.
Fire Lines Volume 12 Issue 3
May-August 2022 Vol. 12 (3): Research Brief; SFE Updates; What's New in Fire Science?; New Technology and Tools; Other News; Upcoming Events; New Fire Science ...
LANL study finds wildfire-scorched areas prone to reburning
Scientists studied landscapes in 11 states that were burned by multiple fires within a 20-year period.
News: Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems Fact Sheet
Based in part on the recent Fact Sheet on Opportunities for Research on Carbon Sequestration in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems by Kevin Robertson, Ph.D., Fire ...
News: Guidebook for Prescribed Burning in the Southern Region
Learn how to plan, conduct and evaluate prescribed burns with this new Guidebook designed for burners of all skill levels. This book takes you step-by-step ...
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