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SECAS December 2024 Newsletter

Web forums require registration in the new year, plan for the 2025 Blueprint update

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Web forums now require registration in the new year

by Hilary Morris, User Support & Communications, Southeast Conservation Blueprint

The monthly Third Thursday Web Forum is making a minor logistical change in the new year–webinars will require registration starting in January! Rather than reusing the same connection information every month, we decided to create standalone events in Microsoft Teams for each web forum. The date, time, and format will remain the same. To learn more about the webinars scheduled for January and February 2025 (spoiler alert, they're focused on a new freshwater resilience analysis and the Blueprint Explorer viewer), >>visit Hilary's blog...

Plans for the 2025 Blueprint

by Rua Mordecai, Coordinator, Southeast Conservation Blueprint

As part of our revision cycle, SECAS staff have already started work on the next Blueprint update for 2025. It's still too early to know exactly what improvements will make it into the final plan, but we can provide an early sense of what we're working on. We have improvements cued up for terrestrial, freshwater, and marine indicators across the continental and Caribbean parts of the geography. We're also looking to improve our prioritization of lakes and reservoirs, test out new corridor methods, and maintain a strong emphasis on supporting Blueprint users! To read more about our preliminary plans for Blueprint 2025, >>check out Rua's blog...