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You are here: Home / Resources / General Resources Holdings / RFA 3 - Forecast future spatial footprint of energy production across the Appalachian LCC region - Word Doc

RFA 3 - Forecast future spatial footprint of energy production across the Appalachian LCC region - Word Doc

Without a predictive visualization of energy development, the Appalachian LCC cannot make informed decisions on landscape conservation priorities. This project will provide an overview of principal stressors created by energy development, by sector and cumulatively across the Appalachian LCC. The products to be developed will include forecasting model(s), and Geographic Information System (GIS) products to provide a projection of the energy development footprint across the Appalachians LCC by individual sector and cumulative footprint. Deliverables will inform resource management decisions by providing a foundational reference for predicting potential future development as a spatial footprint that can be overlaid with Appalachian LCC targets and priorities.

DOWNLOAD FILE — application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 30 kB (31,177 bytes)

Filed under: Energy
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