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You are here: Home / Research / Impact of Urbanization on Priority Bird Populations

Impact of Urbanization on Priority Bird Populations

25 bird species models were developed to determine the sensitivity of priority bird species populations to urbanization.

Incorporating data from housing density rates and land-use change, the project looked to see if rates of urbanization were impacting populations currently or if it will do so in the near future if rates and changes continue. Initial results indicated urbanization is having little impact on priority bird populations within the AMJV boundary. However, this does not consider the growth that has taken place in the last 10+ years since the 2000 census. The project will continue to incorporate the most recent trends in housing density patterns and land-use changes into future models.

Across the Appalachians
Impact of Urbanization on Priority Bird Populations
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Start Date: January 01, 2009
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Filed under: Models, Land Use, Forests, Projects