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You are here: Home / Research / Funded Projects / Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts / Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion / Central Appalachian subregion climate change vulnerability species assessments Excel Spreadsheet

Central Appalachian subregion climate change vulnerability species assessments Excel Spreadsheet

These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the northern-most portion of the LCC, covering the area from New York south to West Virginia and Virginia, west to Pennsylvania and eastern Ohio. Results included are Byers and Norris 2011 (West Virginia); Furedi et al. 2011 (Pennsylvania), Ring et al. 2013 (New Jersey), Schlesinger et al. 2011 (New York); Virginia Division of Natural Heritage 2010 (Virginia). It also includes the results from species assessed as part of the current study (Sneddon et al. 2015).

Publication Date: 2015

Credits: West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Elkins, WV New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY New Jersey Natural Heritage Program, Departement of Environmental Protection, Trenton,NJ Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA NatureServe, Arlington, VA

Fair Use OK

Source: Byers, E. and S. Norris. 2011. Climate change vulnerability assessment of species of concern in West Virginia. West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Elkins, WV. Furedi et al. 2011. Identifying specines in Pennsylvania potentially vulnerable to climate change. Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA. Ring, Richard M., Elizabeth A. Spencer, and Kathleen Strakosch Walz. 2013. Vulnerability of 70 Plant Species of Greatest Conservation Need to Climate Change in New Jersey. Schlesinger, M.D., J.D. Corser, K.A. Perkins, and E.L. White. 2011. Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY. Schlesinger, M.D., J.D. Corser, K.A. Perkins, and E.L. White. 2011. Vulnerability of at-risk species to climate change in New York. New York Natural Heritage Program, Albany, NY. Sneddon, L., H. Galbraith, M. Schlesinger, and B. Young. 2015. Climate change vulnerability analysis of selected species of the Appalachian LCC Region. NatureServe, Arlington, VA. (in prep).

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