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You are here: Home / News & Events / Events / Taking Action to Resist, Accept, or Direct Change: How Wildlife Managers Can Thrive in an Uncertain Future (Webinar)

Taking Action to Resist, Accept, or Direct Change: How Wildlife Managers Can Thrive in an Uncertain Future (Webinar)

The mission of the USFWS is to conserve fish, wildlife and their habitats. But how can wildlife managers proceed when faced with biodiversity declines, extinction crises, and accelerating climate change where traditional approaches may no longer be effective?
When Oct 27, 2022
from 01:00 PM EDT to 02:00 PM EDT
Where Webinar
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Here we describe the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework, which can serve as a blueprint for responding to change, and provide examples of USFWS climate change adaptation actions. Although operating under an increasingly uncertain future is daunting, wildlife managers can build on established methods to implement RAD actions and expand our capacity to effectively manage change on public lands.

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