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Product Overwintering behavior reduces mortality for a terrestrial turtle in forests managed with prescribed fire
Using radiotelemetry, we studied overwintering behavior and interactions with fire in a forest-dwelling terrestrial turtle, the Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), over an eight-year period at two sites that use prescribed fire in forest management.
Located in Resources / Research / Products
Product Pascal source code Western Fire Chiefs Association (WFCA) Fire Map
The WFCA Fire Map pulls data from the US Forest Service via National Interagency Fire Center IRWIN feed, and 911 Dispatch data via PulsePoint to track the location of the wildfire as they start and while they’re burning. The WFCA Fire Map is the first map of its kind to pull such data from 911 Dispatch in relevant areas.
Located in Resources / Research / Products
Product Comparing Remote Sensing and Field-Based Approaches to Estimate Ladder Fuels and Predict Wildfire Burn Severity
A comparative study on remote sensing and field-based approaches to estimate ladder fuel density. Can densities from different approaches predict wildfire burn severity?
Located in Resources / Research / Products
Project Troff document The GigaFire Project
The GigaFire Project is a set of interconnected research projects focused on quantifying the state and dynamics of wildland fuels as well as the impacts of varying fuel managements on fire severity, long-term carbon sequestration, and water quality.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire Mapping/Remote Sensing
Project C header Gallatin Valley Resiliency and Watershed Health
Prescribed fire, timber harvest, shaded fuel breaks, small diameter understory thinning, and weed treatments have been prioritized to meet the goals and objectives of the project.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Project C header North Warner Multi-Ownership Forest Health
More than 15,000 acres were treated for hazardous fuels and to improve wildlife habitat using JCLRP funding.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Project Eastern Divide Restoration
The Eastern Divide Restoration Project Area covers 2,260,480 acres (3,532 square miles) of public and private lands in Botetourt, Craig, Roanoke, Giles, Bland, Pulaski, Wythe, Tazwell, and Montgomery counties in Virginia.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Project Uwharries to Sandhills Landscape Collaborative
The Uwharries to Sandhills Landscape Collaborative (USLC) will improve forest health by restoring privately and publicly owned pine forests to an open-canopy condition in and around Uwharrie National Forest (UNF), and in a habitat corridor between the Uwharries and the NC Sandhills ecoregion.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Project Butte Valley South Landscape Restoration
Since 2010, wildfires have burned nearly 770,000 acres in Siskiyou County, California. Prescribed burns are a useful management tool for resilient and healthy landscapes, forests and watersheds, while larger fuel loads and less resilient landscapes threaten local communities, human health and safety, habitat, wildlife, and natural resources.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Prescribed Burn
Project chemical/x-pdb WildfireSAFE: Real-Time Data to Improve Wildfire Management
WildfireSAFE provides an intuitive platform to access fire weather, hazard and behavior information from the Wildland Fire Assessment System (WFAS) for specific incidents. It supports the greater interagency fire community in the planning, response, and recovery phases of wildfire management.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Innovation in Fire Tools, Thinking & Approaches