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You are here: Home / Resources / Climate Science Documents / Climate Outlook Looking Much The Same, or Even Worse

Climate Outlook Looking Much The Same, or Even Worse

Climate scientists have been feverishly preparing analyses for inclusion in the fifth climate assessment report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) due out in 2013. At the meeting, they gave colleagues a peek at where climate science stands 5 years after their last push to inform the authoritative international evaluation . The climate models are bigger and more sophisticated than ever, speakers reported, but they are yielding the same wide range of possible warming and precipitation changes as they did 5 years ago. But when polled on other areas of concern, researchers say they see more trouble ahead than the previous IPCC assessment had, though less than some scientists had feared

Publication Date: 2011

Credits: SCIENCE 23 DECEMBER 2011 VOL 334

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