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Public Safety

Public Safety

Public safety during and after a wildfire can be challenging, particularly as many people are separated from their usual forms of communication. These resources can help you not only communicate necessary information to the public, but do so in a way that will be useful to them.

  • The Department of Homeland Security provides succinct checklists for how community members can prepare, survive, and act safely in the event of a wildfire. The site also links to other helpful  content that may be useful to provide to the public before, during, and after wildfires.

  • EPA’s Smoke-Ready Toolbox for Wildfires provides a variety of information related to smoke and health during wildfires. This information covers topics such as wildfires and indoor air quality, COVID-19 considerations for cleaner air spaces, and current smoke advisories.

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wildfires page includes a variety of information that may be useful in informing the public about wildfire-related safety concerns, including information relevant before, during, and after wildfires, smoke impact information for at-risk groups and health professionals, and links to disaster evacuation centers.

  • The Ready, Set, Go! Program run by the International Association of Fire Chiefs helps empower fire departments and other organizations to engage residents. The program includes resources that help residents prepare for wildfire so that they can respond safely and quickly when a wildfire occurs.

  • The U.S. Fire Administration provides a variety of wildfire safety outreach materials to help communities plan, respond, and recover from wildfires.

  • The National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s Communicators Guide for Wildland fire Management: Fire Education, Prevention, and Mitigation Practices may be helpful in effectively communicating with the public about safety issues related to wildfire.

  • Federal, state, and local agencies in your area, including the Cooperative Extension Service often provide locally specific information that may be helpful to you and your local communities.  In some areas, agencies or organizations may be willing to do site assessments to help gauge wildfire risks faced by individual homes or larger communities