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You are here: Home / Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 2: Science Capacity within the Appalachian Community Federal Departments/Agencies / North Appalachian Experimental Watershed (Coshocton, Ohio)

North Appalachian Experimental Watershed (Coshocton, Ohio)

The North Appalachian Experimental Watershed (NAEW) conducts research on hydrology, surface runoff, groundwater quality, and erosion for agricultural and other purposes. Specific research includes:

  • Quantification of runoff and water quality risks through analysis of data and precipitation and weather investigations are also a component of the research.
  • Long term data base of measurements from rain gages, watershed flumes and weirs, and automated data collecting lysimeters along with soil and climatology data
  • Development knowledge of basic water sediment, and chemical movement which are used to develop practical procedures and verify transport models.
  • Development of safe pesticide and nutrient management strategies while maintaining high agricultural productivity levels,
  • Develop practical management tools for managing pesticide and nutrient runoff

Additional information on the research activities of the NAEW can be found on their website (