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Bill Uihlein Ph.D.

Uihlein, Bill

Dr. William B. Uihlein III is the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Assistant Regional Director for  Science Applications in the agency’s Southeast Region.  Uihlein brings significant experience to this post. Most recently, his work as the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture partnership’s coordinator stands out. The LMVJV partnership has earned national and international recognition for its collaborative efforts to develop innovative approaches in the application of science and technology to increase the biological efficiency and effectiveness of conservation actions.  He has provided key leadership in collaborating and directing science-based assessments at landscape and eco-regional scales, and putting in place decision-based monitoring and evaluation projects aimed at measuring the predicted biological response and conservation effectiveness. He has served on numerous regional and national teams for the Service responsible for advancing the science and technical theory, concepts, and practices of landscape conservation. Uihlein holds a B.S. and M.S. in Wildlife and Ecology at Eastern New Mexico University, followed by a PhD in ecology from the College of Forest Resources at Mississippi State University.
