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Video LANDFIRE Data Applications for Research in Fire Ecology, Forest Mgmt in California
Brandon Collins presents the second in a series of webinars that LANDFIRE co-hosts with the California Fire Science Consortium. Collins is a USFS Research Forester based in Davis, CA, whose interests involve characterizing effects of fire and fuels treatments on forests at both the stand and landscape levels. He says, "My research intends to provide meaningful information to managers interested in improving forest resiliency and incorporating more natural fire-vegetation dynamics across landscapes."
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Video Learn All About Hellbenders and Take a Tour
Do you know what a hellbender is or where they can be found? This live session will answer those questions for you, show you what they look like by taking you on a virtual tour, share where they live, what they like to eat and who their predators are.
Located in Online Training Resources / Webinars and Videos
Northern bobwhite quail and many other grassland bird species have experienced significant population declines over the last several decades. Loss of native grassland habitat is one of the primary causes of these declines. The CP33 – Habitat Buffers for Upland Birds is a Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) practice that provides nesting and brooding habitat for quail and other grassland birds on less productive cropland field margins. The CP33 buffer practice can help maintain important native grassland habitat within an agricultural landscape. This webinar will discuss the CP33 practice requirements, their importance on the landscape and how best to establish, manage, and maintain the habitat quality for quail and grassland birds.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
The southeastern United States has millions of acres of oak dominated forests that have a closed canopy with limited herbaceous and shrub understory that northern bobwhite require. However, research has demonstrated that with adequate overstory thinning, and the use of frequent prescribed fire, these forests can support populations of Northern Bobwhite Quail, presenting perhaps the best opportunity for large-scale quail restoration in the region. Participants in the webinar will learn about managing oak forests and restoration efforts related to northern bobwhite quail.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
The Native Grass College offers short videos and resources for practitioner and landowners to learn how to 1) Establish Native Grasses, 2) Control Grass Competition, and 3) Manage grazing. Native grasses are better for grazing and for wildlife. Developed by Dr. Pat Keyser, Center for Native Grasslands Management at the University of Tennessee.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
Viewers will learn about native vegetation’s applicability to a myriad of conservation practices beyond wildlife uses through an exploration of the supporting scientific research applied throughout the tall grass prairie and southeastern grasslands regions. Topics covered will include soil conservation, water quality, air quality, soil health, forage, biomass and wildlife
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
Designed to guide strategic wildlife habitat conservation, the Landscape Project is an interactive ecosystem-based mapping tool that assists government agencies, planners, conservation groups, the public and others in making decisions that will protect imperiled and special concern wildlife.
Located in Training / Videos and Webinars
8-part webinar series with farmers, researchers, or other expert practitioners. The classes will discuss common obstacles to implementing a successful no-till program, address these issues through field proven technical knowledge, and follow a training plan that will best enable the TSP (technical service provider) to support the farmers in the no-till practice transition. This course is open to any service provider working with farmers in the Northeast! Upon course completion participants will receive a No-Till Intensive Training Certificate of Completion, as well as be eligible for 8 CCA credits and 1 Pesticide credit.
Located in Training / Training Resources Exchange
Video Northern Bobwhite Grasslands and Savannas Framework
Presented by Bridgett Costanzo, NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife regional coordinator.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos
Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting, Feb 23rd-24th 2021 Webinar Presentation
Presentations from the 2021 WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Partnership Meeting
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