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While many migratory birds are spending warm sunny days in Central and South America, Vermont biologists are braving the cold to improve conditions for birds when they return from their wintering grounds to breed in Vermont.
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While we could have gone in with a bush hog mower, we tried something new this year – goats, adorable and effective goats.
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Southeast Trust for Parks & Land (STPAL) and their Wildlife Consultant, Vic Vansant, is undertaking a project with Ecoforester, Carolina Audubon, USDA Equip program, and State of North Carolina Forestry and DENR to create 16-acres of habitat for the “near threatened” golden-winged warbler (GWWA) on 750-acres Bald Mountain Creek Nature Preserve in Yancey County, NC. This bird’s population has declined 98% in the Appalachians in the past 45 years, primarily due to habitat loss.
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Light Weight Tracking Technology Could Help Reveal Mysteries of Golden-winged Warbler Decline
Audubon and partners across the South and Midwest are using radio tags to track a rare songbird.
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Person ODT template Stoleson, Scott
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