Conservation Connect LIVE
In March we’ll venture underwater to learn about freshwater mussels, American eels, and the electrofishing technology used to study aquatic creatures.
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2016 Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region
To celebrate the National Park Service Centennial through talks and posters that highlight accomplishments in resources management and stewardship.
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AppLCC LCD Phase II Aquatic Expert Consultations
The Appalachian LCC consultations with aquatic experts on our Landscape Conservation Design moves next week to the second discussion about aquatic metrics, models and data.
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Negotiation Skills for Conservation Professionals: Building a Foundation
This training course provides participants with the basic principles, skills, and techniques used in natural resource negotiation.
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Communicating Science - Distilling Your Message
Learn to communicate more effectively about science with people outside your field, including the general public, policy makers, the media, donors, and prospective collaborators in other disciplines.
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Human Dimensions Foundations of Natural Resource Conservation
This course will foster a common understanding and application of human dimensions of natural resource conservation.
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Healing Waters Regional Initiative Kick-off Meeting
This meeting will bring together organizations interested in working together in the Cacapon Watershed and the surrounding region to build mutually beneficial collaborations that will enhance land protection efforts.
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American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
This year’s theme is: Fisheries Conservation and Management: Making Connections and Building Partnerships.
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The Wildlife Society Meeting
North Carolina will be hosting The Wildlife Society’s 23rd Annual Conference at the Raleigh Convention Center this fall.
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Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference
The annual conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies is a forum for the exchange of ideas and critical information regarding the management and protection of fish and wildlife resources primarily in the southeast.
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