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File Troff document Riparian Restoration Decision Support Tool Fact Sheet
An innovative web-based tool - funded by the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) and developed by researchers from the U.S. Forest Service and the University of Massachusetts - is allowing managers to rapidly identify high-priority riparian targets for restoration to make more resilient in preparation for changes in future climate. The Riparian Restoration Prioritization to Promote Climate Change Resilience (RPCCR) tool identifies vulnerable stream and riverbanks that lack tree cover and shade in coldwater stream habitats. By locating the best spots to plant trees in riparian zones, resource managers can provide shade that limits the amount of solar radiation heating the water and reduces the impacts from climate change. This well-established management strategy will benefit high-elevation, cold-water aquatic communities.
Located in Resources / How-To Guides and Handouts
Image Octet Stream Stream at Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area
Upstream view of stream at the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area.
Located in Resources / TRB Images
Image Clinch Mountain WMA Waterfall
Waterfall located at the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area
Located in Resources / TRB Images
Video application/x-troff-ms Riparian Restoration to Promote Climate Change Resilience in Eastern U.S. Streams
This presentation from Jason Coombs of the University of Massachusetts provides an update to the Steering Committee on this Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Riparian Restoration to Promote Climate Change Resilience in Eastern U.S. Streams is developing and implementing a user-friendly web-based tool to identify priority areas for riparian restoration in the context of predicted climate change at the appropriate scale needed by practitioners. A ‘shovel ready’ prioritization tool for managers facing immediate on-the-ground decisions will be developed. Then research will link directly to ongoing and future stream flow, temperature, and biological response modeling projects and decision support tools.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
Video Aquatic Ecological Flows Project Update
This presentation from Dr. Todd Walter of Cornell University provides an update to the Steering Committee on the Appalachian LCC funded research project. The Aquatic Ecological Flows project is providing a report assessing availability of hydrologic and ecological flow model(s) suitable for the region, a georeference assessment of available ecological data to inform the ecological flow model(s), the application of the model(s) to anticipate how altered flow regimes will affect critical conditions, and a report that forecasts changes in hydrology and associated predicted biological responses in relation to different water resource development scenarios for critical watersheds.
Located in Cooperative / / Past SC Meetings and Materials / Steering Committee Call 3/6/14
File C source code Aquatic
2013 SN Portfolio: Mission is to maintain native habitats and endemic aquatic species in their current locations or support these as they migrate with land use and climate changes in the future.
Located in Cooperative / / 2013 Science Needs Portfolio / PDF Thematic Areas
File Troff document 2013 SN Portfolio (Full Report)
In February 2013, almost 50 experts from a wide range of technical background in both natural and social sciences, as well as geographic expertise across the entire region, volunteered to participate in the annual review of the Appalachian LCC Science Needs Portfolio. 2013 marked the first revision of the Portfolio.
Located in Cooperative / / 2013 Science Needs Portfolio / PDF Thematic Areas
Stream Classification System for the Appalachian LCC
Located in Research / Funded Projects
Final Report: A Stream Classification for the Appalachian LCC
A classification system and map was developed for stream and river systems in the Appalachian LCC region, encompassing parts of 17 states. The product is intended to complement state-based stream classifications by unifying them into a single consistent system that represents the region’s natural flowing aquatic habitats. The results can be used to understand ecological flow relationships and inform conservation planning for aquatic biodiversity in the region.
Located in Research / Funded Projects / Stream Classification System for the Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Image Aquatic Species Richness
Distribution of aquatic species richness by 20 kilometers grids throughout the Appalachian LCC region. At this scale, the hotspots of aquatic species richness are in southern Indiana (the Mitchell Plain) and central Kentucky (Mammoth Cave).
Located in Research / / Gallery: Cave and Karst Maps / Study Overview Maps and Foundational Datasets