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636 items matching your search terms
New Songbird Habitat Study Unlocks Benefits for the Monarch Butterfly
A new study reveals that managing habitat for songbirds like the golden-winged warbler also benefits insect pollinators like the at-risk monarch butterfly.
News from SECAS February 2023 Newsletter
Recap of Caribbean CoP meeting, new Blueprint Explorer features, spring web forum schedule, and more.
News from SECAS April 2023 Newsletter
SECAS April newsletter: SC Lowcountry Sentinel Landscape approved, highlighting freshwater indicators, Blueprint workshop reminder, and more.
News from SECAS May 2023 Newsletter
Summer web forum schedule, improve the Blueprint using OpenStreetMap
News from SECAS-August 2023 Newsletter
SECAS August newsletter: developing rivercane indicators, social network analysis, symposium at SEAFWA
News from SECAS-September 2023 Newsletter
SECAS September newsletter: Updates from August Steering Committee meeting, fall web forum flyer.
SECAS Newsletter October 2023
SECAS October newsletter: 2023 Southeast Blueprint and SECAS goal report released, introducing the Midwest Blueprint
News from SECAS December 2023 Newsletter
The Blueprint as a climate adaptation strategy, Southeastern plant RSGCN list released.
News from SECAS January 2024 Newsletter
Review grassland indicator, Blueprint changelog updated to 2023, how Blueprint uses critical habitat, and more.
SECAS April 2024 Newsletter
Logo sneak peek, Summit and Caribbean CoP reflections, Southeast CASC collaboration
News from SECAS May 2024 Newsletter
SECAS May newsletter: Summer web forum schedule, update from rivercane fellow
WLFW West Newsletter July 2024
Invasive Annual Grasses Resources | NRCS Helps Ranchers
Conservation Corridor November 2019 Newsletter
Read the Conservation Corridor November 2019 newsletter online.
Conservation Corridor December 2019 Newsletter
Read the Conservation Corridor December 2019 newsletter online.
Conservation Corridor March 2020 Newsletter
Human-assisted migration for the genetic rescue of small populations; How do you build a corridor for invertebrates?; Human land use reduces climate ...
Conservation Corridor April 2020 Newsletter
In this issue-Science: Habitat fragmentation and microbes, Management: Roads and grizzly bears, Climate Change: Marine reserve network redesign.
Conservation Corridor Newsletter November 2022
Connecting science to conservation
Conservation Corridor February 2023 Newsletter
Connecting science to conservation.
Conservation Corridor May 2023 Newsletter
Connecting science to conservation.
Conservation Corridor August 2023 Newsletter
Conservation Corridor August Newsletter
Conservation Corridor June 2024 Newsletter
Connectivity Science; Connectivity Management; Connectivity & Climate Change; Connectivity Policy; Connectivity News; Previous Digests.
Science Seminar Sept 17: New Project Lightning Talks
Researcher + partner pairs talk about their newly funded projects for FY24.
Archbold Weathers Hurricane Ian
By the morning of Monday 26th September, the predicted path of Hurricane Ian had shifted south. Researchers at Archbold Biological Station and Archbold’s Buck ...
The Clean Water Act Owner's Manual is coming soon!
The Clean Water Act became law 50 years ago. To commemorate the milestone of this landmark legislation and mark our continued resolve to protect waterways ...
South Atlantic Blueprint Newsletter September 2022
Fall webinar schedule, on track to release Blueprint 2022 this fall, SECAS article in "Wild Weekly".
South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Newsletter July 2022
Progress on addressing Blueprint workshop comments
News from SECAS August 2024 Newsletter
SECAS August newsletter: Updated map features SECAS success stories, register for a Blueprint workshop, Amanda says farewell, and more
Southeast CASC Science Seminar: Improving Projections of Societal Responses to Sea Level Rise and Frequent Flooding
In this talk, we will highlight a framework that permits simultaneously considering scenarios of urban growth, increases in flood hazard due to climate ...
Nevada Develops a Plan to Increase Relevancy
The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) recently developed an action plan to expand engagement with the Hispanic community and young adults in their state. ...
DOI Nature-based Solutions Roadmap
The purpose of the Department of the Interior Nature Based Solutions Roadmap is to provide Department of the Interior (DOI) staff with consistent and credible ...
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