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114 items matching your search terms
NE CSC Fish Habitat Data Viewer Planning
The PIs of the NE CSC funded project A Decisions Support Mapper for Conserving Stream Fish Habitats of the NE CSC Region, will be holding a Stakeholder’s ...
Conservation Connect LIVE
In March we’ll venture underwater to learn about freshwater mussels, American eels, and the electrofishing technology used to study aquatic creatures.
Appalachian LCC Research Update: Phase II of Landscape Conservation Design 
Dr. Paul Leonard of Clemson University will provide a research update to the Appalachian LCC Steering Committee and interested partners on the results from ...
Southeast Aquatic Resources Conservation Science and Practice Webinar Series
Sound sheds light: How side scan sonar helps advance the aquatic conservation mission
The Southeast Aquatic Conservation Strategy
The Southeastern Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Strategy is a joint project of the UGA River Basin Center and the Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute ...
Putting aquatic species on the map: The eDNAtlas and Archive for aquatic taxa in Western North America
The ease, efficiency, and sensitivity of environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling of species in aquatic environments is leading to an explosion in its use across ...
TWRA Announces Awarding of Grants for 2013-14 Stream Clean-up Projects
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) has announced the awarding of grant dollars to assist cities, schools, community organizations, civic groups, ...
Service Report: Nation’s Rivers Flow toward Better Habitat, Economies and Public Safety
More than 200 blockages in the nation’s major natural resource “arteries” were removed last year thanks to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Fish ...
Endangered and Threatened Fishes Return to Home Waters in Tennessee
Five federally endangered and threatened fish species – smoky madtom, yellowfin madtom, duskytail darter, spotfin chub, and boulder darter – have been ...
Event Convenes Kentucky Conservationists and Waterways Transportation Industry
On December 12th, the Ingram Barge Company and the Crounse Corporation convened more than 45 representatives from the waterways transportation industry at an ...
Southern Instream Flow Network Update
Update On Instream Flow Issues In The Southeast
Jess W. Jones Wins U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Science Excellence Award
Dr. Jess W. Jones, a national leader in freshwater mussel conservation and restoration and an integral part of the Appalachian LCC, has received one of the ...
Mapping Climate Change in the Oceans
NOAA Research and NOAA Fisheries collaborate on new method to assess fish vulnerability to climate change
Restoration biologist Jess Jones receives Rachel Carson Award
Jess Jones, a restoration biologist in the College of Natural Resources and Environment, co-director of Virginia Tech’s Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Center, ...
Ecology Team Improves Understanding of Valley-wide Stream Chemistry
A geostatistical approach for studying environmental conditions in stream networks and landscapes has been successfully applied at a valley-wide scale to ...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 5 Endangered Species Act Update
Featuring general news, incidental take permit, and classification information pertaining to the Endangered Species Act in Region 5.
FY2015 Brook Trout Conservation Funding Opportunity
The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is seeking project proposals focused on conserving the habitats needed to support healthy and productive wild ...
Pricing the Priceless: Ecosystem Services Science at USGS
Nature's products and services are essential not only to the ecosystems that provide them, but also to the people and societies built on them. Factoring their ...
Primary Influences on Water Temperature for Inland Streams
The COMET Program is pleased to announce the publication of the new lesson, "Primary Influences on Water Temperature for Inland Streams". The temperature of ...
Reviewing Existing Tools and Data on Hydrologic and Ecologic Flow Models
The Aquatic Ecological Flows project reviewed existing tools and gathered available data within the project area on hydrologic and ecological flow models that ...
SARP Celebrates Decade of Aquatic Habitat Conservation
A decade-long regional effort in the southeastern United States, led by the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership (SARP), to preserve globally significant ...
Endangered Species Act Protections Proposed for Two Appalachian Crayfishes in Kentucky, Virginia and West Virginia
Just as the central Appalachian landscape was beginning to undergo changes related to early 20th century mining, logging and population growth, researchers ...
Genetics Provide New Hope for Endangered Freshwater Mussels
A piece of the restoration puzzle to save populations of endangered freshwater mussels may have been found, according to a recent U.S. Geological Survey led ...
Maryland DNR Helps Fund New Stream Restoration Monitoring Program
Efforts to produce measurable water quality data and results.
FishBrain and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partner to Create App-powered Citizen Science Engagement Opportunity Tracking Endangered Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – the federal government agency dedicated to the conservation of fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats – has teamed up ...
Tennessee River Basin Network Workshop and Awards Celebration
The Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Aquarium sponsored a first-of-its-kind meeting that gathered regional conservation partners to celebrate ...
The eDNA revolution & developing comprehensive aquatic biodiversity archives
Measuring & understanding the effects of climate change on aquatic life requires an accurate baseline status assessment that can serve as a benchmark for ...
Power Companies, Tribe, Agencies Take Steps to Save Rare Fish
Power companies, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, and state and federal agencies have come together to conserve the sicklefin redhorse, a fish found in ...
Service and partners announce science-based tool to help prioritize and target fish habitat conservation
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) today announce the availability of an online tool that enables ...
LCC Boosts Relationships in the Ohio River Basin
The Ohio River Basin Fish Habitat Partnership convened its annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio this month and the Appalachian LCC was there to join the ...
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