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You are here: Home / Research / Funded Projects / Assessing Vulnerability of Species and Habitats to Large-scale Impacts / Vulnerability Assessment Foundational Data by Subregion / Interior Low Plateau subregion climate change vulnerability species assessments

Interior Low Plateau subregion climate change vulnerability species assessments

Interior Low Plateau subregion climate change vulnerability species assessments
Interior Low Plateau subregion
These results are a compilation of climate change vulnerability assessments in the western portion of the LCC, covering the area from Western Kentucky, northeastern Alabama and western Tennessee west to southern Indiana and southeastern Illinois. Results included are from Bruno et al. (Cumberland Piedmont Network of the National Park Service; and Walk et al. 2011 (illinois). It also includes the results from species assessed as part of the current study (Sneddon et al. 2015).

Publication Date: 2015

Credits: Nicholas School of the Environment of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina Illinois Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, Peoria, IL NatureServe, Arlington, VA

Fair Use OK

Source: Bruno, C., P. Hartger, L. Mendenhall, and E. Myron. 2012. Assessing the potential effects of climate change on species in the Cumberland Piedmont Network of the National Park Service. Masters Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Environmental Management degree in the Nicholas School of Environment, Duke University. Sneddon, L. and M. Schlesinger. 2015. Climate change vulnerability analysis of selected species of the Appalachian LCC Region. NatureServe, Arlington, VA. Walk, J., S. Hagen, and A. Lange. 2011. Adapting conservation to a changing climate: An update to the Illinois Wildlife Action Plan. 2011. Report to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. Illinois Chapter of the Nature Conservancy.

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