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Driptorch Digest No. 45 June 2020

A Newsletter for the Southern Prescribed Fire Community

COVID-19 News

As the COVID-10 pandemic continues to play out, the following information and resources related to COVID-19 may be useful to the Southern prescribed fire community.

Extension Connection

ANREP Conference Rescheduled
The Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals biennial conference originally scheduled for May 2020 will now take place May 23-26, 2021 in Corvallis, OR. Conference updates will continue to be posted on the original conference website.
NEWFI Quarterly Meeting
The National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative will hold its quarterly meeting via Zoom on July 7 at 2:00 PM ET. The meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire Extension projects in Pennsylvania and Florida, as well as discussions of how wildland fire programming is being adapted online due to the pandemic. Registration is required.
New Publication on Wildland Fire Smoke
Researchers including Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service faculty John Weir recently published an article in Fire Ecology on the potential policy and health implications of wildland fire smoke in the Great Plains.