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You are here: Home / Information Materials / Fact Sheets / Golden-Winged Warbler Great Lakes/Canada Fact Sheets / Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat in the Aspen Parkland Transition Zone of Canada

Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat in the Aspen Parkland Transition Zone of Canada

Best Management Practices for Golden-winged Warbler Habitat in the Aspen Parkland Transition Zone of Canada
The Aspen Parkland Transition Zone comprises the contact zone between the prairie parkland and the greater boreal ecosystems (Figure 1). Whereas the prairie biome is dominated by grasses and the boreal biome by coniferous tree species and mixed woods, the Aspen Parkland Transition Zone is dominated by deciduous trees, especially Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) and Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa), in complex mosaics with grassland and wetlands. The Aspen Parkland Transition Zone is the only remaining large area within the Golden-winged Warbler range where Blue-winged Warbler does not occur. Thus, maintaining healthy populations of Golden-winged Warbler in this area is critical.

Publication Date: 2013

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