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You are here: Home / Resources / Stakeholder Webinar: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Private Lands Conservation and Management

Stakeholder Webinar: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Private Lands Conservation and Management

Series of speakers on human dimensions of working with private landowners to effect conservation.

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Associated Info on Webinar:

There were some fantastic ideas pitched in the chat when participants were prompted to share what social science questions interested them.

Some examples included:

  1. Identifying ways to keep landowners interested in conservation practices on their land after the incentives end.

  2. How to help contractors understand the importance of adopting non-standard practices to provide needed services to landowners.

  3. Identifying primary barriers to involvement in government programs are and possible solutions to those barriers.

  4. Measuring the paradigm shift - of what looks 'good' or 'pretty' vs. what is beneficial for wildlife.

  5. How different laws and regulations impact the conservation work the landowners are trying to do.

  6. Understanding how to help people appreciate their role in shaping the environment.

  7. Educating landowners on the connections between habitat and human health.

  8. Understanding what influences a producer's decision to employ or avoid certain management practices, like prescribed fire and herbicide use.

The breadth of these ideas really demonstrates the importance of building more collaborations across sectors to better understand how we can maximize our collective conservation impact on private lands. As such, we hope this event will help enhance existing collaborations in the region and even inspire new partnerships.

Webinar Organizers: Smithsonian’s Virginia Working Landscapes, Working Land and Seascapes, and the Piedmont Grassland Bird Initiative

Click here to view the webinar