Our Collections at Risk: Climate Change Threats to NCR Museum Property
Over the past 15 years NPS Collections from Texas to Maine have faced devastating impacts from hurricanes and other climate related events. During this time, Hurricanes such as Isabel, Ivan, Katrina and Sandy have wrought havoc on NPS museum collections. Although not subjected to direct impacts from these recent hurricanes, NCR parks have been heavily damaged by their collateral impacts, typically in the form of flooding along the Potomac Valley. It is simply a matter of time before a major hurricane strikes right at the heart of the Nation’s Capital. Our recent brush with Hurricane Joaquin highlighted the risks we face in NCR from a devastating Hurricane event and its related impacts. Beginning in 2014 the NCR Museum Program has been developing an assessment of park collection vulnerabilities to climate change in NCR. This brief presentation will discuss those threats and highlight how some NCR parks are addressing those threats.
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