App LCC Landcover
Depicts the landcover types from NLCD 2006 within the Appalachian LCC
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Methane Biomass
Depicts estimate from manure methane (2002) for one year per county.
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Natural Gas Shale Deposits
Depicts the Shale Plays within the App LCC boundary
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Public Lands
Depicts the public lands which fall within the App LCC boundary
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC TNC Terrestrial Ecoregions
Depicts the Terrestrial Ecoregions produced by TNC; based on USFS subsection map (Keyes et al. 1995)
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
App LCC Boundary Change
Describing the boundary change for the Upper Chattahoochee watershed.
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
Appalachian LCC Human Footprint
Depicts the impact of humans across the landscape
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
Appalachian Boundary File
This shapefile is the most current boundary file for the Appalachian LCC geography. This file will typically be more current than those found on the National LCC website.
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Planning In Practice
Community Foundational Maps
Coal Development Probability
This map depicts the future probability of development for Coal throughout the Appalachian LCC.
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Planning In Practice
Funded Project Maps
Shale Gas Development Probability
This map depicts the probability of future gas shale development for the Appalachian LCC geography.
Located in
Planning In Practice
Funded Project Maps