'Climate Hubs' Will Provide Regional Networks on Climate Science, Forecasting Impacts as Part of President's Climate Action Plan
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today the creation of the first ever Regional Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change at seven locations around the country. "Climate Hubs" will address increasing risks such as fires, invasive pests, devastating floods, and crippling droughts on a regional basis, aiming to translate science and research into information to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners on ways to adapt and adjust their resource management.
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Alabama Cooperative Extension System
The Alabama Cooperative Extension System is the primary outreach and engagement organization for the land-grant mission of Alabama A&M University and Auburn University in cooperation with Tuskegee University.
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Alachua Conservation Trust
Since 1988, Alachua Conservation Trust (ACT) has been protecting the natural, historic, scenic, and recreational resources in and around north central Florida.
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Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area
Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area is invasive plant cooperative between stakeholders-including agencies, private forest companies, and community groups.
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America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative
The America's Longleaf Restoration Initiative (ALRI) is a collaborative effort of multiple public and private sector partners that actively supports range-wide efforts to restore and conserve longleaf pine ecosystems.
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American Forest Resource Council
AFRC is a regional trade association whose purpose is to advocate for sustained yield timber harvests on public timberlands throughout the West to enhance forest health and resistance to fire, insects, and disease. We do this by promoting active management to attain productive public forests, protect adjoining private forests, and assure community stability. We work to improve federal and state laws, regulations, policies and decisions regarding access to and management of public forest lands and protection of all forest lands.
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Appalachian Fire Conference 2013
This conference is designed for anyone with an interest in wildland fire in the Appalachian Region. It promises to be unique in its approach to sharing information. First, it is a conference about wildland fire in the Appalachians that is held in the Appalachians. Second, and equally unique, is that the conference is not a research symposium and it is not a managers meeting; it is both. The objective of the Consortium of Appalachian Fire Managers and Scientists and the Association for Fire Ecology is for fire managers and researchers to learn from each other so they can better understand problems specific to the highly diverse Appalachian Mountains and to work together to solve those problems.
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Appalachian Headwaters
Appalachian Headwaters, a nonprofit organization, is a leader in environmental education and reforestation of mined land in central Appalachia.
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Appalachian Stewardship Foundation
Our vision is for environmental values to lead our energy future – clean streams, clear skies and a stable climate, with the least amount of energy necessary to provide the goods and services we need. ASF seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to protect freshwater streams and tributaries against the effects of pollution from energy development and use.
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Archbold Biological Station
A biological station is a scientific resource for field study of the natural environment. The Archbold Biological Station, lying within the headwaters of the Everglades in south central Florida, is one of the most renowned in the world.
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