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The Southern Fire Exchange disseminates fire research results and information through fact sheets, the Fire Lines newsletter, presentations, and research syntheses. The topics covered in SFE products are identified through needs assessments, surveys, and by the SFE Advisory Board. SFE also works with partners to identify critical fire science research needs for the Southern region.
Located in Training / Publications, fact sheets, training materials
Project D source code Southern Front Range Watershed
The Southern Front Range (SFR-JCLRP) project will treat vegetation in the project area within Pueblo, Custer, Huerfano, and Las Animas counties. Treatments would be adjacent to or near the towns of Cuchara, Aguilar, Stonewall, Wetmore, Westcliffe, Beulah, and Rye, Colorado.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire-Community & Infrastructure
Organization Southern Group of State Foresters
We provide leadership in sustaining the economic, environmental and social benefits of the South's forests, and work to identify and address existing and emerging issues and challenges that are important to southern forests and citizens.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection
Our mission is to collaboratively protect the Spanish Peaks area and wildlife from the impact of destructive events.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document Stonewall Fire Protection District
Stonewall Fire Protection District encompasses 547 square miles of mountains and foothill terrain on the eastern slope of the Sangre De Cristo and the Culebra Mountains ranges.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization x-conference/x-cooltalk Texas A&M Forest Service
Texas A&M Forest Service conserves and protects the resources and lands of the Lone Star State.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Texas Prescribed Burn Workshop 4-day Course in 2023
Meets Training and Testing requirement for Board Certified TDA prescribed burn manager certification.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Video ECMAScript program The Benefits of Opening Forest Canopies
Learn about the benefits of creating open canopy in oak forested areas -- for livestock, aesthetics, and wildlife -- with Dwayne Elmore from the Oklahoma State University Extension.
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Video The benefits of prescribed burns in growing season
Fire Ecologist John Weir describes the benefits of prescribed burns during the livestock grass growing season.
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Project Troff document The GigaFire Project
The GigaFire Project is a set of interconnected research projects focused on quantifying the state and dynamics of wildland fuels as well as the impacts of varying fuel managements on fire severity, long-term carbon sequestration, and water quality.
Located in Resources / / Projects / Fire Mapping/Remote Sensing