SFE Lessons Learned from Learn-n-Burn Events
"Learn and Burn" workshops are an excellent way for private landowners and others to gain hands-on burning experience and knowledge from expert mentors. This webinar will provide some lessons learned from coordinating these events, and tips to putting one on in the future. Participants will be provided with a template checklist, examples of past agendas, ideas for potential partners and funding opportunities, suggestions on how to measure program impact, and successes from past events.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
SFE Webinar: Fueling Collaboration
A series of interactive panel discussions designed to connect fire managers and researchers. Each discussion will be built on questions from the registered attendees. We're working to bring people together to discuss, explore, and address the latest fire science and fire management issues across the eastern United States.
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News & Events
Events Inbox
SFE Webinar: Introduction to the SE FireMap 1.0 - A New Tool to Map Fires Across the South
The SE FireMap 1.0 is a new fire mapping system for the Southeastern United States. Developed with funding provided by the USDA NRCS, SE FireMap uses a remote sensing-based approach to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands across the range of the longleaf pine.
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SE FireMap Documentation
Smoke Management for Prescribed Burning
Smoke management is an important consideration when planning all prescribed burns. Learn about ways to best manage smoke before, during, and after a prescribed burn. Designed for practitioners, landowners, and others interested in prescribed burning.
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Publications, fact sheets, training materials
South Atlantic Blueprint Newsletter June 2020
Big improvements to Blueprint methods, forest retention analysis uses Blueprint, Piedmont prairie survey preview.
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Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability (SERPPAS)
The mission of SERPPAS is to seize opportunities and solve problems in ways that provide mutual and multiple benefits to the partners, sustain the individual and collective mission of partner organizations, and secure the future for all the partners, the region, and the nation. This mission will be accomplished through identifying opportunities for mutual gain among all partner groups, effectively addressing differences among the partners, and focusing on identifying solutions to complex problems.
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Organizations Search
Southeastern Cohesive Fire Strategy
The Southeastern Cohesive Fire Strategy provides an online resource for southeastern Cohesive Fire Strategy information and news and to provide tools and resources to professionals and the public that can increase landscape resiliency, protect communities and ensure a safe, effective and risk-based fire response.
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Organizations Search
Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Burn Association
We are a community-based organization focused on increasing access to prescribed fire on private lands to benefit the Southern Blue Ridge mountains. Members of the Southern Blue Ridge Prescribed Burn Association include anyone interested in supporting the conservation effort: private forest landowners, natural resource professionals, students, and the public.
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Organizations Search
Southern Fire Exchange
The Southern Fire Exchange (SFE) is a fire science delivery program in the Southeast, funded by the Joint Fire Science Program in agreement with the United States Forest Service, Southern Research Station. With our key partners, we strive to improve access to and usefulness of southern fire science information and offer opportunities for the fire community to interact and learn from one another.
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Southern Fire Exchange Online Resources
Southern Fire Exchange maintains a list of online resources, archived webinars, and trainings including NWCG and non-NWCG resources on topics including smoke management, general prescribed fire, and fire weather. Many resources listed on this page are also included on SFE’s list.
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Online Training Programs and Materials