Great Appalachian Valley Conservation Corps (GAVCC)
The Great Appalachian Valley Conservation Corps (GAVCC) is a new conservation service program that connects local young adults with conservation work on public lands.
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Appalachian Stewardship Foundation
Our vision is for environmental values to lead our energy future – clean streams, clear skies and a stable climate, with the least amount of energy necessary to provide the goods and services we need. ASF seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to protect freshwater streams and tributaries against the effects of pollution from energy development and use.
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SE FireMap at The Longleaf Alliance Conference
Come say hello to the SE FireMap team at the Biennial Longleaf Conference October 8th-11th, 2024!
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University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute
The ECI is an interdisciplinary unit within Oxford University researching the many dimensions of global environmental change.
Part of the School of Geography and the Environment.
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California Air Resources Board
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change. From requirements for clean cars and fuels to adopting innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, California has pioneered a range of effective approaches that have set the standard for effective air and climate programs for the nation, and the world.
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Western Fire Chiefs Association
The purpose of the Western Fire Chiefs Association is to serve as a representative of choice of (and for) career and volunteer leaders of fire related emergency service organizations throughout the WFCA member states and the Western Pacific Islands. The WFCA helps develop, and supports the work of, those leaders and organizations in order that they may best provide for the protection of people and the environment from the occurrence and outcomes of fires and other natural, technological and human-behavior-caused emergencies.
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Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
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Fire Lines Volume 14 Issue 3
Fire Science | Research Brief | New & Updated Technology | Recent & Featured Publications | SFE in Action | Florida Prescribed Fire Councils | Gopher Tortoise Council 2024 Annual Meeting | Our Programs | Our Products | Fire Community | Fire Science Exchange Network | Upcoming Events | Funding Opportunities | Additional Resources | SFE Partner Spotlight
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Southern Fire Exchange Fire Lines
Lee, Danny
Danny is Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center of the USDA Forest Service's Southern Research Station in Asheville, NC. He lead a diverse team of reearchers working to develop tools and information needed to detect, assess, and predict environmental treats to eastern forests.
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Great Basin Fire Science Exchange
The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange (GBFSE) connects land managers and scientists to improve pre- and post-fire management decisions by providing relevant information and access to technical expertise. This project is one of 15 regional Fire Science Exchanges funded by the Joint Fire Science Program.
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