NFPA Firewise USA
Every year, devastating wildfires burn across the United States. At the same time, a growing number of people are living where wildfires are a real risk. While these fires will continue to happen, there are things you can do to protect your home and neighborhood as well as your family’s safety. The Firewise USA® program is here to help you get started.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
NOAA is a leader in science and technology used by the wildland fire community, and is dedicated to understanding and predicting weather and climate to protect life and property.
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Research Journals
NOAA Firebird Project
The NOAA Firebird Project is focused on understanding how prescribed fire practices affect populations of black and yellow rails and mottled ducks in high marsh across the U.S. Gulf States, during the breeding and non-breeding seasons.
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Prescribed Burn
NOAAFireBird Sept 2023 – Feb 2024 Newsletter
Check out the newest issue of our newsletter!
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News & Events
Wildland Fire Newletters
NOAA FireBird Newsletters
North Carolina State Southeast Prescribed Fire Update
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update is a source for the latest news in prescribed fire. The Update provides landowners, consultants, agencies, academia, and the prescribed fire community with current training opportunities, press releases, event happenings, information, and education materials pertinent to prescribed burning in the southeastern United States.
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Organizations Search
North Warner Multi-Ownership Forest Health
More than 15,000 acres were treated for hazardous fuels and to improve wildlife habitat using JCLRP funding.
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Prescribed Burn
Northern Arizona Habitat Restoration and Wildfire Risk Reduction
The Northern Arizona Habitat Restoration and Wildfire Risk Reduction Partnership Project would mechanically treat woody species, implement prescribed burning, develop new wildlife watering facilities, and develop education and outreach to improve habitat for large game and grassland obligate species, reduce fire risk to rural communities and Grand Canyon National Park, promote groundwater recharge, and build community understanding of and support for grassland restoration activities.
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Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
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Northwest FL Prescribed Burn Association
The Northwest Florida Prescribed Burn Association (NWFPBA) is a non-profit organization consisting of private landowners and other conservation-minded individuals interested in getting more prescribed fire on the landscape.
The Northwest Florida PBA brings together knowledge, experience, and resources to put good prescribed fire on more private lands throughout the area. The region covered by this PBA is from Madison County to Escambia County in Northwest Florida.
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