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File Mapping Fires Across the Southeast-Science to Solutions
The Southeast fire map (SE FireMap), funded by NRCS and managed by Working Lands for Wildlife staff, aims to develop a fire tracking map to allow for improved decision making.
Located in Resources / SE FireMap Documentation / SE FireMap Project Process Documents
Organization Pascal source code Mariposa Biomass Workgroup
The Mariposa Biomass Project has been exploring the idea of a woody biomass facility in Mariposa County that would use slash from forest thinning projects for the generation of bioenergy and commercial byproducts. The facility would produce a revenue stream that should help finance forest thinning projects, attract new industries and jobs to the County, and possibly have other positive economic and environmental benefits for the county and the region.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Mariposa County
When California was formed in 1850, Mariposa County was one of the original 27 counties and covered one-fifth of the state. The County was reapportioned to create all of parts of 11 other counties giving rise to the nickname the “Mother of Counties.”
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Mariposa County Fire Safe Council
The mission of the Mariposa County Fire Safe Council is to protect the people of Mariposa County and their property from the effects of catastrophic wildfire through education, cooperation, innovation and action.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization ECMAScript program Mariposa County Office of Emergency Services
The Office of Emergency Services responds to emergencies ranging from wildland fires to storm events to hazardous material incidents. We represent Mariposa County, assist first responders in accessing equipment and personnel, gather information and stay informed. At the scene, we are part of the decision-making process and provide guidance.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Troff document Mescal Fire District
The Mescal-J6 Fire District provides fire suppression, emergency medical and rescue services to the communities of J-6, Mescal,Empire Acres, Skyline, Empire and Salcido Acres, as well as 11 miles of Interstate 10.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
Organization Missouri Department of Conservation-Forest Care
MDC manages nearly one million Missouri acres for conservation and public use.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
The MTBS program was established to provide a consistent methodology to assess and document the effects of fire at a national scale. Since the program’s inception in 2005, MTBS mapping methods have evolved to accommodate changes and advancements in technology, software, satellite data and the availability of reliable fire occurrence data. It is anticipated these methods will continue to evolve into the future, however, the MTBS mapping approach has consistently occurred in five primary steps: 1. Fire Occurrence Data Compilation; 2. Landsat Scene Selection and Image Pre-processing; 3. Perimeter Delineation; 4. Burn Severity Interpretation; and 5. Data Distribution.
Located in Fire Mapping / / Other National Fire Mapping / Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity
Organization Troff document Mountain Soil and Water Conservation District
The Mountain Soil & Water Conservation District, a legal subdivision within the state of Virginia, is charged with conserving the soil and water resources of Highland, Bath, and Alleghany Counties, and the City of Covington. The District works closely with partner agencies in order to help farmers, other landowners and land managers, businesses, and local units of government in the wise management and protection of their natural resources.
Located in LP Members / Organizations Search
A County Leadership Guide to Help Communities Become More Fire Adapted and Learn to Live with Wildland Fire.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials