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Video WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session # 8 Pollinators and Livestock Grazing
Session 8 of WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series, presented by Jason Jones and Katrina Sims, Grassland and Grazing Coordinators in Ohio and Arkansas, respectively. This session focuses on grazing livestock with consideration of pollinators. This is the third of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include benefits of native grassland restoration, native grazing considerations for conservation planning, pasture conversion and establishment, and grazing strategies.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
WLFW East Region Conservation Series
Tune in this Thursday, January 11th, at 11:30 am CST for the next webinar in our Conservation Series! This week's topic will cover "Pollinators & Forestland: Underappreciated Pollinator Habitat" with speaker Kass Urban-Mead of the Xerces Society. Register here:
Located in News
WLFW East Region Conservation Series
Tune in this Thursday, February 8th, at 11:30 am CST for the next webinar in our Conservation Series! This week's topic will cover "How to do a Pollinator Outreach Event" with speaker Cat Beall with Pheasants Forever. Register here:
Located in News
Video WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 11 PF/QF’s Pollinator Habitat Program
Session 11 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Kim Cole, PF/QF’s Habitat Education Program Manager. This session focuses on resources for hosting pollinator events and is the second session on “pollinator outreach” in the series. Topics covered include Pollinator Habitat Outreach Program, Habitat Education Resources, and Milkweed in the Classroom.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
Video WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 12 Maintaining Pollinator Habitat
Session 12 of the WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar series was presented by Brittney Viers, PF/QF’s Tennessee State Coordinator. This session focuses on how to properly maintain pollinator habitat and is the last session in the pollinator series. Topics covered include the history of Southern Grasslands, designing adequate seed mixes, utilizing native seed banks, planting methods, and management techniques.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series
File Presentation of Review of Species and Habitat Selection for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Meeting on 1/14/14
On January 14, Lesley Sneddon of NatureServe presented this webinar to interested conservation and cooperative partners of the Appalachian LCC to present the process for the selection of the 50-75 species and 3-5 habitats proposed for assessment of climate change vulnerability. The selections were informed by the wealth of assessments already completed in all or part of the LCC region to date. The meeting generated good discussion on the process, species, habitats, and possible avenues for future research.
Located in Research / / Workspace / Supporting Materials and Resources
Video WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #4 “Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas” 
Session 4 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Laurie Hamon with The Xerces Society.  This session focuses on the Bumble Bee Atlas program and how beneficial it is to pollinator conservation. Topics covered include a basic understanding of bumble bee biology, a general overview of the Bumble Bee Atlas program, and a focused overview of the Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas. 
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / / WLFW Conservation Webinar Series / WLFW Programs and Partnerships Webinar Series
Video WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #3 “Power of Partnerships” 
Session 3 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Derek Wiley, OPJV/TPWD and Thomas Janke, PFQF.  This session focuses on the exceptional partnerships going on in Texas and Oklahoma. Topics covered include a basic understanding of joint ventures, the GRIP program, and success stories. 
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / / WLFW Conservation Webinar Series / WLFW Programs and Partnerships Webinar Series
Video WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #1 “Bobwhite Biology”
Session 1 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by James Martin from the University of Georgia.  This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail and its basic biology. Topics covered include species overview across its range, population trends in different areas of the country, bobwhite quail mating strategies, nesting success, and annual survival.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / WLFW Northern Bobwhite Webinar Series
Video Pascal source code SFE Webinar: Introduction to the SE FireMap 1.0 - A New Tool to Map Fires Across the South
The SE FireMap 1.0 is a new fire mapping system for the Southeastern United States. Developed with funding provided by the USDA NRCS, SE FireMap uses a remote sensing-based approach to track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands across the range of the longleaf pine.
Located in Resources / SE FireMap Documentation